Is Sharing Joints Safe for Germophobes?
In stoner culture, sharing a joint is highly valued. This has always been the case, and it’s a custom that probably won’t change any time soon. The best way to make new friends and strengthen existing ones is through it.
On the other hand, there is the matter of hygiene. The mere thought of ingesting someone else’s oral fluids is terrifying, especially for those who consider themselves to be germaphobes. And it makes sense why they might be concerned.
So what is going on here? Are these worries legitimate? Or is it all just fear? We’ll talk about this hot topic and offer some advice on how to safely share marijuana.
Prior to using marijuana, it’s essential to verify the legal regulations for marijuana use while residing in Philadelphia. Obtaining a medical marijuana card PA is a prerequisite for accessing medical cannabis legally.
How Do Germs Spread?
We must first examine how germs actually spread in order to fully respond to the question of whether it is safe to share marijuana. Maybe we all have a general understanding of how it functions, but let’s be a little more precise here.
The Cleveland Clinic quotes otolaryngologist Dr. Michael Benniger as saying that antibodies and enzymes found in human saliva “decrease the risk of contagions.” However, he also adds that any activity that involves exchanging spit “is a high-risk contact” This promotes the spread of germs, including those responsible for serious illnesses.
It’s also crucial to remember that there are various types of bacteria all around us. Infectious disease specialist Dr Christine Zurawski of Piedmont Atlanta Hospital claims that viruses and bacteria “are part of our daily lives”. Just decide which ones are “good” and which ones are “bad” will do.
According to Dr. Zurawski, bacteria on personal items like a phone are nothing to be concerned about. Instead, you should be concerned about the pathogens that are present outside of your house.
Can Sharing a Joint Make You ill?
Philip Tierno, a clinical professor of microbiology and pathology at NYU, estimates that direct and indirect contact accounts for about 80% of the transmission of infectious diseases. That entails touching objects before touching a delicate area of your body, like an eye.
Tierno clarifies that activities like sharing joints and saliva put people at risk of contracting the flu and herpes. Additionally, you are more likely to get the stomach flu, staph infections, meningitis, and strep throat.
- Is Herpes Transmission Possible Through Joint or Bong Sharing?
In order to survive outside of the body, germs require a moist environment. This raises the question of how this relates to passing joints. Can these germs survive on a jay’s crutch
Tierno claims that the relative humidity in the air is “sufficient moisture” for germs to flourish. Staph, for instance, can survive for months when shared indoors where there is no UV light.
In light of this, sharing a joint with a group of individuals may increase the risk of catching or spreading a number of illnesses, including viral illnesses like herpes. Tierno, however, asserts that exposure to any UV light can instantly kill bacteria.
But does that imply that using a lighter to “burn off” pathogens on a joint’s crutch or filter is a good idea? It continues to be a smoking myth as of right now, and there is currently no supporting data.
But what about bongs? Does it matter that there is less contact between the saliva? For bong enthusiasts, the answer is regrettably not very good. Yes, it is possible to contract herpes and other illnesses from other smokers because there is still lip contact with the device.
Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) can be acquired through sharing joints or bongs, specifically if we’re talking about herpes. HSV-1 is spread via oral contact, whereas HSV-2 spreads via skin-to-skin contact.
When it comes to HSV-1, direct contact between infected individuals increases the risk of transmission. Therefore, there is a good chance that if one member of the group has the virus, they will pass it on to everyone they come into contact with.
The majority of HSV-1 cases are mild. Studies have shown that it can harm the temporal lobe and even result in Alzheimer’s disease. It would be wise to stay away from it.
- What About HIV?
HIV is mainly spread through sexual contact and sharing needles or syringes. Therefore, you shouldn’t be concerned about contracting HIV through smoking unless you intend to do any of these things.
Sharing Weed: Understanding the Inevitability of Germs
Whether or not you consider yourself a germaphobe, it doesn’t hurt to be extra cautious when it comes to the spread of germs and bacteria. However, it also pays to be aware of the rules so you can continue to enjoy smoking with friends.
You can share marijuana with friends while trying your best to stop the spread of disease if you have the right bits of knowledge. Sharing a joint carries some inherent risk, but this type of ritualized social smoking is also one of the things that binds the cannabis community together. So, the choice is yours. You can always refer back to this article in case you forget the advice and tricks.
If you intend to use cannabis for medical reasons in Philadelphia, having a medical marijuana card PA is a must. To secure legal access to medicinal marijuana, you can either consult with a 420 doctor in person or opt for an online application if you prefer a remote process.