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Root Canal Treatment Made Easy: Your Expert Guide to Pain-Free Dentistry

Whose knees do not quake and blood does not pump speedier at the thought of a ‘root canal’?

All the superstitions and misconceptions revolving around ‘root canal treatment’ justify your tremor in getting root canal therapy.

But how many people actually know what root canal treatment is? 

Do you?

Worry not! 

We crafted this blog to enlighten you on one of the most dreaded topics: root canal treatment.

Root canal infection Vs. Root canal treatment

A root canal infection occurs when a tooth’s pulp becomes infected or inflamed, often due to trauma, deep decay, cracks, or chips in the tooth. 

The infection can cause pain, sensitivity, swelling, and other symptoms and spread to the surrounding tissues if left untreated. A teeth root canal infection requires treatment to stop further deterioration of the tooth and surrounding tissues.

Root canal treatment, on the other hand, is a procedure used to treat a root canal infection. 

During root canal treatment, a northern beaches dentist will remove the infected or inflamed pulp, clean and shape the root canals, and fill them with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. 

The tooth will then be covered with a dental crown or filling for extra protection.

Causes of root canal infection

When bacteria harbouring in the mouth penetrates tooth pulp, it causes root canal infection. However, bacteria can enter tooth pulp because of the following reasons:

  • Fractured tooth
  • Cracked or chipped tooth
  • Damaged tooth pulp
  • Tooth decay
  • Recurrent dental procedures 

Symptoms of root canal

  • Persistent toothache
  • Swollen jaw or gums
  • Heat or cold sensitivity
  • Tooth discolouration
  • Pimple on gums
  • Pain is applied pressure
  • Loose, chipped or cracked tooth

Root canal treatment steps

  1. Diagnosis: The first step is to diagnose whether the tooth requires a root canal treatment. The Northern Beaches Dentist will thoroughly investigate the tooth and take X-rays to identify the extent of the damage.
  2. Anaesthesia: Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the dentist will give local anaesthesia to desensitise the area around the tooth.
  3. Access to the pulp chamber: Then, the dentist will create an opening in the top of the tooth to access the pulp chamber.
  4. Removal of infected pulp: The dentist will remove the damaged or infected pulp tissue from the pulp chamber and root canals using specialised tools. The dentist will also clean and shape the root canals to prepare them for filling.
  5. Filling the root canals: After the teeth root canals have been cleaned and shaped, the dentist will fill them with a rubber-like material. It is sealed into place with an adhesive cement to prevent any bacteria from entering the root canals again.
  6. Temporary filling: The opening created at the top of the tooth will be covered with a temporary filling until the next appointment.
  7. Final restoration: In the final appointment, the temporary filling will be removed. Then, the dentist will place a permanent filling or crown over the tooth to restore its natural function and appearance.

Benefits of root canal treatment

  • Prevent tooth loss

A patient has various options to deal with a cavity. S/he can opt to extract the tooth and remove the tooth in question. It is a permanent solution that eliminates the chance of future pain or cavities.

However, tooth extraction leaves gaps, which can cause trouble chewing and speaking. Also, it weakens the support to adjacent teeth, leading to major problems.

On the contrary, root canal treatment is beneficial and restores a tooth to its near-to-natural state.

  • Get visually appealing outcomes

Root canal treatment does not remove a tooth. Rather, it restores the natural tooth.

After cleaning the root canal and removing the infection, a Northern Beaches Dentist places a crown. That crown looks similar to natural teeth. Moreover, they also operate like natural teeth.

  • Pain-free process

Conventionally, root canal treatment was considered painful. That tradition prevented people from getting treatment for generations. However, as more and more people get their root canal treatment, they describe it as a pain-free procedure.

This is because dentists use modern equipment along with their expertise and skills. Also, they are trained in root canal treatment and pain management.

  • Save neighbouring teeth from infection

In the majority of dental cavities, pulp infection is often the culprit. The pulp is infected because of bacteria, which further penetrates and spreads to adjacent teeth if not treated.

Thus, root canal treatment is beneficial for removing the infection from the source.

How to care after root canal treatment

  1. Practise good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth two times a day and floss daily to remove any food particles and plaque from your teeth. This will help to block new infections.
  2. Avoid hard or sticky foods: In the initial days after the procedure, avoid eating hard or sticky foods that can damage the tooth or dislodge the temporary filling.
  3. Take pain medication as prescribed: Root canal treatment is painless. However, if you experience severe pain after the procedure, take over-the-counter or prescribed medication by your Northern Beaches Dentist.
  4. Use ice packs: If you experience swelling, place ice packs on the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  5. Attend all follow-up appointments: It is essential to see your dentist for follow-up appointments to ensure that the tooth is healing properly.
  6. Consider a crown: A root canal can weaken a tooth, so your dentist may recommend placing a crown on the treated tooth to provide additional support and protection.
  7. Contact your dentist if you experience any issues: If you experience any persistent swelling, pain, or other symptoms, contact your dentist right away to schedule a follow-up appointment. 

These could be signs of an infection or other complications that must be addressed promptly.

Final thoughts!

As we discovered in this article, root canal therapy is painless and does not require visiting the doctor frequently. Moreover, it restores your natural teeth and makes them fully functional.

Do you have persistent pain and decay in a tooth?

Contact your Northern Beaches Dentist and get a root canal treatment.

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