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Myalgia, more widely known as muscle pain, is a symptom experienced by many people; and typically is due to injuries or strain. Many people also experience Myalgia as part of other diseases or medication symptoms. The official myalgia definition was derived from Modern Latin as a combination of “myo,” meaning muscle and “algia”, meaning pain. 

What are the causes of Myalgia?

There is no definite cause for Myalgia, and there is also a very high chance of co-morbidity with Myalgia cases. The cause for Myalgia can also vary depending on the type of muscle pain experienced by the person. 

In the case of acute Myalgia, the causes may be:

  • Illness such as fever and viral infection
  • Pull in the muscles during exercise
  • Overuse
  • Fatigue
  • Exertion of certain muscle groups

Whereas, for chronic Myalgia, the causes may be:

  • Long term and chronic illnesses like autoimmune disease
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Metabolic defects
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Withdrawal symptoms from addiction

What are the different types of Acute Myalgia?

Chronic Myalgia

Chronic Myalgia is a prevalent symptom when suffering from long-term, chronic illnesses. Especially when it comes to diseases affecting the bones and muscles of the body, chronic Myalgia is apparent. 

Some of the diseases that cause Chronic Myalgia are:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, RA: It causes the joints to get inflamed, which affects the muscles, and the patient ends up with chronic muscle pain.
  • Multiple sclerosis, MS: The most common symptoms of MS are muscle pain, muscle stiffness and muscle spasms. İt is what causes involuntary loss of control in the patient’s body.
  • Fibromyalgia: It is a very severe muscle pain condition where the patient is suffering from it gets widespread muscle pain characterized by sharp, stabbing-like pain.
  • Depression: Depression can often be manifested into physical ailments such as muscle and joint pain, aching body, etc. There is no direct cause of these pains, but it is imminent in the person.

Acute Myalgia

Acute Myalgia is short-lived. It is caused due to a temporary reason such as muscle strain, overexertion of muscle groups, exercise and weightlifting. 

Some of the most common causes of Acute Myalgia:

  • Injuries: This is a localized pain that occurs in the area where the injury has happened.
  • Viral infection: The common cold, fever and chills are accompanied by muscle pain.
  • Vitamin deficiency: Vitamin D deficiently is the most common cause of unexplained muscle pain in many people.
  • Lyme disease: It is a disease borne by ticks but can develop symptoms of influenza accompanied by acute Myalgia.

What are the symptoms of Myalgia?

  • A sharp or dull aching pain in the body
  • Pain in the muscles while at rest or even when moving
  • Joint pain
  • Severe aching and pain in one area of the body or permeated pain
  • May experience fever and chills if myalgia is due to viral infection
  • Acute or mild pain lasting for a short duration or a prolonged and constant 
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