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Do you think that you have HPV? Find out where and how to get the test for the disease.

HPV Test: Where To Get Tested

Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, is a sexually transmitted disease that can lead to cancer if left untreated. With its transmission being due to unprotected sexual intercourse, it can be very easy to transmit. And if you are just getting into a physical relationship, it might prove to be risky. 

Therefore, it is always better to go for an HPV test before you get into a committed relationship. This way, you will be able to protect yourself, including your partner. That being said, let’s learn more about HPV and how you can go about taking an HPV test right now. 

What Are The Symptoms Of HPV?

Just like any other STD, HPV does not usually show symptoms during its early stage. Therefore, unless you take an HPV test, it will be difficult for you to ascertain whether you have it or not. This infection is also another of the common STDs that you can transmit. According to CDC, as many as 80 million people are reported to have transmitted HPV. 

When you transmit HPV, it will lead to common warts, genital warts, flat warts, or plantar warts. In other cases, it may also lead to cervical cancer. It is essential to know that there are no symptoms of cervical cancer. Therefore, it is very important to opt for screening tests of the cervix as well.  

Who Is More Likely To Catch HPV?

If you are a woman between the age of 21 and 25 who’s sexually active, you need to ensure that you go for an HPV test. Before that, it is essential that you go for a Pap test, which is a test to detect cervical cancer. 

Of course, if you are a man, you could also get infected with HPV. However, there are no HPV tests at present for men. But you don’t have to worry, as this infection usually goes away on its own. If it doesn’t, you may have to go for an anal Pap test. 

Being a woman, you need to remember that an HPV test and Pap test should go hand in hand. Usually, the CDC recommends that you need to go for an HPV test and Pap test once every five years. Taking the Pap test alone is not recommendable to determine whether you have HPV or not. 

What Is The Procedure For An HPV Test?

Whether you have any symptoms or not, going for an HPV test is essential. So, if you know of any STD clinics near you, you might want to opt for this test. Rest assured, all your information will remain private, including the results. This is the case in all the STD clinics you will find.

When you go for an HPV test, the doctor will go ahead and collect samples of cells from your vaginal canal or cervix’s surface. This will be done with a flat spatula or brush as you lay on an examination table. On collection of the samples, you can expect the lab results within a day or two. 

You need to keep in mind that HPV is almost always likely to go away on its own. Therefore, you don’t need to be alarmed and worried about whether you have contracted HPV or not. In fact, there are other STDs you should be worried about, especially when the symptoms start showing up. 

As mentioned earlier, HPV symptoms don’t usually show up early; it may take a year or two. Also, if it is left untreated, it may prove to be fatal. Therefore, in order to ensure that things don’t get worse, make sure to go for an HPV test, irrespective of whether you have symptoms or not. This way, you won’t always have to live with anxiety and fear about this infection leading to cervix cancer. 

If you’re always running late and don’t get time to make it to the appointment, don’t worry. With the availability of HPV tests at home, you can get tested in the comfort of your home in full privacy! By ordering the kit for at home HPV test, you can follow the instructions and collect the sample on your own. After that, you can send it back to the lab and wait for the result, which usually takes less than two weeks. 

What Happens If You Test Positive During A HPV Test?

Once you get your result back and it’s positive, you don’t have to worry. Most STD clinics provide consultation with certified doctors who will guide you along the way. In some cases, you may even choose to forego treatment for HPV if it’s not that serious. 

For this, you could have a word with your doctor and come to the conclusion that you will be mindful of unusual symptoms that may lead to cervix cancer. This includes a change in the cervix cells that could be a high risk of the virus transmitting rapidly.

As mentioned earlier, HPV is known to disappear on its own. However, if it gets serious, there will be repercussions. Therefore, it is essential that you make timely visits to the doctor if you want to do away with treatment. This may help you save your money on medication which may prove to be unnecessary in the end! 

No matter what the case is, it is highly recommendable that you go for an HPV test when the time arrives. By ignoring to take the test, you may be putting your life at risk. Moreover, being a common infection, it is likely that you may transmit HPV at least once in your life. 

While the procedure for taking an HPV test may not be comfortable, it’s not painful as well. Not only that, but it will take less than ten minutes to collect the sample. Therefore, make sure that you don’t forget to take an HPV test once you are sexually active and above 18 years of age. This way, you can prevent unforeseen circumstances and lead the most normal and healthy life you deserve! 

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