Coronavirus vaccine: Dr. Fauci’s timeline for Americans
As we’ve learned this past year, good news is hard to come by given this current global pandemic. Luckily, Dr. Anthony Fauci, considered by many to be the top U.S. expert in infectious disease, has given us just that . . . some good news.
While we likely won’t be seeing any John Krasinski YouTube videos to highlight it, Dr. Fauci has shared a new timeline regarding the coronavirus vaccine. Specifically, Dr. Fauci details when the average American citizen should be able to get the vaccine for the novel coronavirus, sharing with NBC’s Today new information regarding the acceleration of vaccine distribution.
While many Americans qualify for the vaccine now, specifically the older population and those who work in healthcare, many are still wondering when they’ll be able to get their coronavirus vaccine. It looks like we may now have our answer.
Coronavirus vaccines
Currently, there are two vaccines that are being utilized in the U.S., combating the spread of COVID-19 in hopes of ending the current global pandemic. The first vaccine is by Pfizer-BioNTech, which was first administered in the U.S. in early December 2020. The second vaccine to fight COVID-19 was made by Moderna, which was also first given to those defined as “high exposure risks” in December 2020.
Both of these coronavirus vaccines are estimated to combat the coronavirus with effectiveness of over 92%. However, both vaccines currently require two separate doses, with each needing several weeks in between to build the proper antibodies.
While many scientists & healthcare experts are still waiting on new data for clearer information, it is, based on current evidence, that these two vaccines work against the new variants of COVID-19.
As well, it’s important to note that a third vaccine, created by Johnson & Johnson, is estimated to be only weeks away from being administered in the U.S., according to Dr. Fauci. This vaccine, while having a lower effectiveness rate than the other vaccines, requires only a single-shot, meaning that more of the U.S. population can get vaccinated quicker.
New timeline for coronavirus vaccine
Dr. Anthony Fauci told NBC’s Today how the pace for the coronavirus vaccines is “picking up”, and that by April it will be “open season, namely virtually everybody and anybody in any category could start to get vaccinated.”
What does this mean in regard to returning to “normalcy”?
Dr. Fauci has stated previously how over 80% of the U.S. population would need to be vaccinated in order to establish “herd immunity”, where enough of the population is vaccinated to establish a protective blanket from COVID-19. With surveys showing that over 70% of the country is willing to get the coronavirus vaccine, it’s clear that we need these vaccines fast.
Dr. Fauci is hopeful that herd immunity, barring any changes, could be established around middle to late summer. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has perhaps more TV appearances this past year than any other person, has been at the front of the COVID-19 battle and anything regarding the vaccine. Here’s Dr. Fauci’s timeline since the start of the pandemic.
Fauci vs. COVID-19
Dr. Anthony Fauci was brought on earlier in 2020 by the Trump Administration to serve as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, oftentimes making public appearances on behalf of Trump. However, once the coronavirus lockdowns began to take shape in March of 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci began making the media rounds in what felt like a new daily tradition.
Dr. Fauci made himself available to both the White House as well as the American people, giving us constant updates as it pertains to COVID-19 and the global pandemic, even if there wasn’t any real news to share, famously pushing his classic advice of “practicing social distancing”, as well as “wearing a mask”.
Naturally, Dr. Anthony Fauci was also heavily involved in the production of a vaccine, breaking down the data so that the everyday American could follow the process as we raced towards a vaccine to help slow down the spread of COVID-19.
What are your thoughts about Dr. Fauci’s new timeline for getting a vaccine? Do you plan on getting the coronavirus vaccine when it becomes available? What’s the first thing you want to do once things return to normal? Comment below and let us know your thoughts.