The A — Z of Coolsculpting
Stubborn fat is one problem many people battle with. Due to this condition, they are unable to achieve a slim, curvy silhouette. Even those who exercise at the gym have trouble getting rid of all the stubborn fat. It is an extremely concerning issue as some individuals resort to harmful methods to reduce or eliminate such fat cells. As an ideal solution, Coolsculpting effectively rids the body of unwanted fat.
This technology works by freezing the fat using an applicator. Even for those who are active with little or no medical condition, but still battle stubborn fat, Coolsculpting can help them maintain a summer body. There is a lot to know about this procedure, including its result, treatment process, and cost. Without further delay, let’s delve into this procedure.
Introduction to Coolsculpting
The Coolsculpting procedure eliminates fat in a target area with the aid of a cooling applicator. In addition to freezing fat cells, it enables the body to naturally process those cells and destroy them permanently. The FDA-approved procedure targets subcutaneous fat, not visceral fat or cellulite.
It can be applied to a number of body parts. Generally, the procedure is effective in eliminating localized fat in the chest and abdominal region, but it also works well for fat pockets located in the upper arms, flanks, hips, neck, back, and knees.
Who is a Good Candidate?
It is an excellent idea to determine if the treatment will be effective before commencing. An ultrasound, MRI, and other imaging techniques applied to the fat problem area can help doctors determine the best approach for a cosmetic patient. The best candidates for Coolsculpting are those who want to target specific problem areas with little or no response to diet or exercise. They include those who are:
- Close to their target weight (within 10 pounds)
- Medically fit
- Considering an alternative to liposuction
- Not pregnant or planning to be
Understand that Coolsculpting is not for everyone, but for those who are motivated and serious about their health and weight loss.
Understanding the Procedure
Using a cooling applicator, Coolsculpting numbs fat pockets, which then melt and move out of the target area through the lymphatic system. A certified doctor performs this procedure without an incision or cutting, so there is no downtime.
It also comes after a comprehensive evaluation and consultation, during which the specialist develops a treatment plan for the patient. Most patients say that they are back to work the next day and can resume most normal activities almost immediately. Although some patients may feel pain from numbness in the treatment, this is only minimal.
Treatment sessions generally last between one to three hours, depending on the size of the treatment area and the number of areas of the body treated. Each session can be done as often as necessary to achieve the desired results.
Weight Loss before Treatment
It is ideal that those who are 10-30 Lbs within their target weight undergo Coolsculpting. Furthermore, they should have tried dieting and exercising before undergoing this procedure. Candidates with more adipose tissue may lose 20 to 25% of their fat with CoolSculpting, though weight loss is not the only determinant of this procedure.
As previously noted, CoolSculpting is ineffective in treating cellulite and abnormalities of the skin like keloids. It is also ineffective in treating muscular tone. Any comprehensive weight-loss plan can benefit from a supplement like this.
How is Coolsculpting Different from Liposuction?
Liposuction is an extremely effective and safe procedure to remove stubborn fat. Unlike Coolsculpting, it targets larger areas, including the hips, thighs, abdomen, and chin.
While Coolsculpting might require multiple treatment sessions and some weeks to see results, liposuction produces noticeable results within days, which may require some months for the body to adjust. Liposuction also leaves behind a more refined body contour; however, there are more risks involved.
Results to Expect From CoolSculpting
The results of the Coolsculpting procedure are completely dependent upon the amount of fat in the body and the size of the body part being treated. While there are individual variations, most patients experience a mean improvement of 20 to 25% in the fat-treated area.
Most importantly, Coolsculpting is not “actually” a weight loss program. It alters the distribution of fat. Hence, results may not be immediate. It is completely non-invasive and involves no injections or downtime.
How Much Does Coolsculpting Cost?
Coolsculpting prices can vary greatly. However, most patients can expect to spend about $1,400 to about $4,000, depending on the area treated. Other contributing factors include the hospital charges, quality of treatment, doctor’s fees, and post-treatment follow-up. For arm treatment, the average cost is $650 per treatment. A cosmetic patient may require about two treatments to get the desired result.
If the target area is the stomach, a patient may spend up to $1,500 per session and two sessions. Each session may take up to an hour to complete. More sessions may be required if the condition is severe. Thigh treatment cost depends on whether the patient is treating the inner or outer thighs. For the former, the cost could ramp up to $750 and the latter $1,500 per thigh. The treatment for these areas takes about 40 minutes.
Many insurance companies can offer reimbursement for Coolsculpting treatment. Reputable hospitals often offer flexible payment plans. In some cases, patients have no out-of-pocket expenses. However, patients should consult their insurance company to see if it will cover the cost of treatment.
What to Do After Treatment
As earlier stated, no recovery time is required after Coolsculpting treatment. However, a patient should rest, consume a balanced diet, and exercise. There should be an improvement in the appearance of the treatment area after some weeks. With further use, the treated area will become firmer and slender, gradually.
The Coolsculpting process is an effective way to treat unwanted fat and is effective for areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. The areas treated can feel firm, smooth, and youthful. Treatments are fast with no downtime, making the procedure safe for cosmetic patients. To get the best result, contact a certified and experienced doctor.