Diablo 4 Twisting Blades Rogue Build Guide – Rogue Leveling Build (Level 1-50)
This is now the fastest Rogue leveling build in the game even after Blizzard nerfed it. This build will take you through the early game, the Campaign bosses as well as leveling you up really fast by clearing mobs very quickly.
Rogue Build Skill Gameplay
Let me first summarize how the build actually plays.
This build uses the range attack, Puncture to gain energy back and make the enemies vulnerable. You can then spam Twisting Blades especially on larger targets, which sticks knives into the enemies. These knives and Diablo 4 Gold then return to you after a few seconds and spin around you for further AOE damage by using the Bladedancer’s Aspect.
After using Twisting Blades, you then use either Dash or Shadow Step to jump through a group of enemies. This way, when the Twisting Blades return to you, they go through the entire group of enemies, killing them all and getting Diablo 4 Items a lot.
We also use the Shadow Imbuement skill for a couple of specific reasons. Firstly, when you dash through the enemies, they’ll be infected by the shadow. Then, when you’re twisting blades kill them, they’ll explode for even more AOE damage. This actually causes a chain reaction of all the trash mobs exploding and immediately getting wiped out. It’s pretty satisfying to see, actually.
We’re also using this along with the Consuming Shadow and Inner Sight. This gives you unlimited energy, which is why this build is so good for leveling. Because you can just carry on spamming all of your abilities and killing everything without having to wait for the regeneration of energy.
We’re also going to be using Dark Shroud for massive damage mitigation, making this build very survivable. This could be replaced with another skill for more damage. But I’d rather never die.
Next, I’m going to be going over the skills level by level and then most importantly, I’ll be going over the what legendary weapon effect you need to make this build just hit like a truck. You get it from doing one dungeon, which you’ll find near Act 2 and it will take you like 10 minutes to do.
Build Skills Levelling Order 1
This is the build skill order.
Start out by getting Puncture, then Enhanced Puncture, and now we’ve unlocked the Twisting Blade skill. So, we’re going to go ahead and get that.
Then, we’re going to buy Diablo 4 Gold directly get Enhanced Twisting Blades and Advanced Twisting Blades.
Next, you should go back and get Fundamental Puncture. We have now unlocked the next skill tree. So, we’re going to go and get Dash for the rapid movement ability.
Then we’re going to get Shadow Step next, which must be used on a target, and then you just jump to that target and backstab them.
Next, we’re going to go back and max out Twisting Blades. Also, if you find any gear that gives you buffs on Twisting Blades, you should keep that to increase your damage beyond the cap.
After we max that out, we’re going to go and get Dark Shroud for survivability. As long as this skill is up, you are very survivable.
Next, we’re going to go back and we’re going to grab Enhanced Dash. Then, we’re going to get Disciplined Dash, which slows and then dazes enemies that you dash through.
Unlock Rogue Specialization (Inner Sight)
Now, once you reach level 15, this is very important. Because you’ll now get the Rogue Specialization Quest.
This quest is automatically added to the priority quest section in your Journal. It will be called True Potential. You just need to click on it. It will show you where to go on the map. Try to complete that quest.
Once you’ve done it, you’ll then unlock access to your class specialization and tap. Now, you’ll be able to select the Inner Sight specialization. This gives you unlimited energy for four seconds if you attack the marked target and fill up your meter. This really allows you to just delete bosses by stacking Twisting Blades on them.
Build Skills Levelling Order 2
But now, at level 16, we can get Enhanced Shadow Step. And finally, we’ve unlocked the Shadow Imbuement skill. At this point, you’ll start to see how much AOE damage you can really do with this build. We’re also going to get Enhanced Shadow Imbuement and then Mixed Shadow Imbuement.
Next step is really important. We’re going to get Shadow Crash and, most importantly, the Consuming Shadows, which gives you 10 energy for each kill. And if we max this out, you’ll get 30 energy for every single kill.
So, now you’ll start to feel the effects of having unlimited energy. You’re going to want to max this out as soon as possible. Next, we’re going to come back to the Dark Shroud skill and we’re going to get Enhanced Dark Shroud. Then, we’re going to get Countering Dark Shroud for an even higher Critical Strike Chance.
Then, we’ll come and max out Precision Imbuement, which gives us even more Critical Damage. So, max that out. Then, we’re going to go all the way back and we’re going to max out Sturdy for even more survivability. This gives you a flat percentage reduction to the damage received. So, put three points in that. And then, we’re going to get Siphoning Strikes, which actually heals you as you do damage.
Now, we’ve unlocked the Momentum ultimate at the very bottom of the skill tree. This buffs us with each stack of Momentum that we have and you’ll be fully stacked with momentum most of the time when you’re using this build. It’ll give you permanent survivability and damage buffs.
Next, we’re going to go back and we’re going to max out Siphoning Strikes. Once we’ve done that, we can then come back and max out Shadow Imbuement. So, it’s five out of five. And now, we’re going to put a point into Adrenaline Rush to get to Haste and we’re going to put all three points into Haste for additional movement speed and attack speed.
Next, we can max out Innervation for our lucky hit chance increase. Put all three points into that. Finally, we’ll come back and we’ll max out Weapon Mastery. This could be done earlier if you want to prioritize damage. Put another three points into that.
And now, you’re going to be level 50 and there are other places in the game. You can get skill points and you can continue to max out your character. I would also encourage you to experiment.
Legendary Aspect Location
Next, we’re going to be talking about equipment.
The most important thing for this build is obtaining the Bladedancer’s Aspect for Twisting Blades. When you use Twisting Blades, it returns to you. It will now continue to spin around your character for even more damage. We can actually get this very early on in the Act 2 area.
To get this aspect, you should first find the dungeon called Jalal’s Vigil. Just go to that dungeon, kill the boss, then you’ll be rewarded with the Bladedancer’s Aspect. And this aspect has now saved in our Codex of Power. We can imprint it onto any weapon we’d like.
In order to imprint your weapon with the aspect, what you need to do is come over to any major town in the Kyovashad. And then, you want to come to Demyan to visit the Occultist. He’ll help you do this.
Gem Guide
If you want to push the damage further, look out for gear that gives you plus ranks to Twisting Blades.
While you’re leveling, you’ll also want to be putting Ruby into your armor for health, Emeralds into your weapons for extra Critical Damage to vulnerable enemies and Skulls into your jewelry for more armor.
This build will help you clear lots of high-end dungeons on the hardest difficulty. You’re going to want to use this build to level up between level 1 and level 50. If you want to skip level 1-50 directly, and want to directly experience more difficult challenges or make more powerful builds, you may wish to buy Diablo 4 Boosting service. Hope this guide can help you !