6 Tips for Winning at Blackjack
Blackjack is an interesting casino game that is both skill-based and requires some luck at the table. If you have already learned the rules of the game, you might be wondering if there is anything you can do to increase your odds of winning when playing with friends or at a casino.
The truth is that there are no guarantees, but it is possible to improve your game and thus increase your chances of winning. Read on for six tips to help you win at blackjack.
Learn Basic Blackjack Strategies
Because of its popularity, mathematicians and players have been studying blackjack for decades to find out how to improve their odds of winning. From all they have learned, they have devised strategies that can help you win. These strategies are meant to minimize the house edge if they are used correctly.
There are so many resources that teach these strategies. Some are great resources while some are not. Try these strategies on friends and on games where there are low stakes to see which strategies work for you and which do not. Once you understand them, use them in games with lots of stakes and keep going up as you get more comfortable.
Find Tables with Acceptable Stakes
Finding tables with odds that are acceptable to you can be difficult, especially if you have a small bankroll. However, this research is important for new players who want to try some of the strategies discussed above and who want to minimize their losses.
It is also a great strategy for those just learning the game and who do not want to lose a lot of money when doing so. Most casinos will tell you the minimum and maximum stakes for their games, for example, a minimum stake of £1 for a live blackjack game.
Use Strategy Cards
Strategy cards help you make the right decisions, especially at land-based casinos. These cards are plastic and laminated and are accepted by most casinos apart from those that are afraid of card counters.
These cards are a great resource because you can refer to them to ensure you are making the right decisions. For security reasons, do not place these cards on a blackjack table or show your faces to other players at a land-based casino because you will be kicked out.
Avoid the Influence of Other Players
This is harder for beginner players, but you should avoid being influenced by the decisions other players are making. Their decisions have little to do with your long-term odds of winning at blackjack. Concentrate on your cards, bet strategies, and bankroll, and remember that this is an individual rather than a team sport.
Avoid Progressive Wagers
Some people base their next wager on whether they won or lost the last hand. This is always a losing strategy because if you change your wager, you risk the chance of losing more money if you increase it or winning less if you decrease it.
The best strategy is to wager more if there are high valued cars remaining on the dealer’s hand and reduce it if there are low-value cards remaining. This is like a card counting system so be careful when using it.
Splitting and Keeping
Since you are always looking for a ten as the second or third card, double your bet if you get an eleven for the first two cards. If you get two eights or a pair of aces, split them. If you have a 10 or a total of 10, never split. Splitting two fives means the live blackjack table might end with two 15s while not splitting means you end up with a 20 if you land a 10.
Understanding the rules of blackjack and learning some strategies will help you win big. Just remember to stay calm, follow your own rules and never chase losses.