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Standing Out in the Crowd with an Authentic Brand

Brand authenticity is important to customers. According to data, about 90% of customers rate authenticity as an important factor in deciding which brands to like and support. But what does one mean by an authentic brand?

According to Forbes, “an authentic brand decides to be transparent and consistent in its messaging and branding initiatives. It has business values it remains true to, and most essentially, it is honest.”

In other words, an authentic brand is one that customers can trust. Brands can achieve this authenticity by being transparent in their communications about their business objectives, methodologies, and policies. For customers, it’s about finding a brand whose objectives and policies match their own.

How Do I Find an Authentic Brand?

Many authentic brands are often homegrown, small, local and fuelled by the artisanal spirit of the people behind them. They are purpose-driven instead of being solely driven by profit. Whether it’s saving the environment or promoting slow fashion – authentic brands are usually driven by a cause, and they stay true to it through their methodologies and practices. 

When you shop with such brands, you can generally find high-quality products at affordable prices that you can relate to and thus stand out, as they are not sold in big-box retailers.

Besides branding and transparency, sustainability is another important consideration for most authentic brands. When people are growing more conscious about the environment and what goes behind the products they use – it’s important to choose a brand that resonates with your idea of sustainability as a customer.

To find your match, look for brands with time-honored manufacturing processes that are conscious of the environment. Such brands will mention how they source their raw material and packaging, their steps to reduce their carbon footprint, and how they engage with their employees.

The basics of an authentic brand:

  • Unique designs that are not mass-produced.
  • Often rooted in local practices and time-honored traditions.
  • Uses sustainable manufacturing processes, eco-friendly practices, and fair treatment for workers.
  • Often family-owned with a strong focus on employee and client relationships.


Standing Out With An Authentic Brand

If you want to stand out from the crowd without breaking the bank, you may want to shop with an authentic brand. One that provides you with a sweet shopping spot between run-of-the-mill, inexpensive, and large-scale industry-produced goods and costly designer wear.

Founded by Colombian-American Mauricio Orozco, Desisano is an authentic brand rooted in Colombia’s diverse and colorful heritage. Desisano offers affordable leather goods, handcrafted with unique designs and ancestral ethnic trims. The Colombian influence is lived in each product that skilled artisans lovingly design in small batches (not manufactured massively) to maintain authenticity and quality. 

Besides its unique products, Desisano prides itself on its values and work practices. Quality craftsmanship is guaranteed because all of the goods are made by hand in a family owned shop in Bogota, Colombia. Desisano gives you access to eye-catching designs at affordable prices and the opportunity to support an ethical and sustainable brand.

It should never be necessary to spend more to own original products with unique designs. Treat yourself to a cool leather good that is sustainable and of premium quality at Desisano

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