How to Choose Gloves For Every Sports
Anyone who plays sports or exercises knows that you can’t live without sports equipment. Anyone who practices fencing will only go out with a protective uniform and helmet. A boxer only enters the ring with gloves. If an athlete neglects basic protective equipment, various injuries and sprains are guaranteed.
One of the most important sports accessories is gloves. There are a lot of types: gloves for training, winter, for fitness, etc. Each accessory has its purpose and purpose. With all this, you also need to choose them correctly. Let’s figure out what types of sports gloves there are, what material they are made of, what fingerless sports gloves are called, and more.
Functions and tasks of sports gloves
Each thing has a certain benefit. Even if we are not talking about professional boxing, you should not think that you can work out in the gym without gloves. This is a must if you want to protect your hands from injury. What tasks do gloves perform:
Protects palms from calluses and damage.
Lifting barbells or other equipment in the gym is a challenging task. Sometimes, in order to better fix the projectile with your hand, you have to literally turn your palms in all directions. The result is calluses, which cause pain during further training. Training gloves help prevent this problem.
Prevents the entry of germs and bacteria.
Any public place is a storehouse of bacteria and dirt. And it’s not even about the gym. Hundreds of people touch a barbell or exercise machine, and not all of them take care of personal hygiene. But if you wear gym gloves, you can exercise safely.
Improves the quality of training.
When lifting a barbell, the most important thing is a good grip. Sports gloves are available with special pads that provide this function.
Types of gloves by classification
You need to do more than walk into a store and ask for sports gloves. Each accessory has its characteristics. They differ in material, shape, and purpose. There are separate gloves for each sport, for each season.
Types of sports gloves for sports:
Classic: made of dense material (leather or leatherette). They have no inserts. Designed for fitness training. The cost is low.
For strength training: made of high-strength material. They have special pillows for optimal load distribution.
Gloves for professional sports: designed for particularly heavy loads. This accessory will help you avoid injury to your wrist.
Although many gloves are similar in appearance, they are still slightly different. For example, winter ones are thick and durable, which makes it convenient to exercise in the fresh, frosty air. These gloves are completely closed to protect your fingers from the harmful effects of cold.
Types of gloves for sports are divided according to the sport itself: snowboarding, alpine skiing, CrossFit, and cycling. Women’s and men’s sports gloves differ only in size: the women’s version is smaller. The rest is the same: the presence of fasteners, belts, and inserts.
According to the material of manufacture:
Cotton: suitable for fitness training. Poorly ventilated and wears out quickly.
Synthetics: well-ventilated. Due to the special surface, it adheres well to sports equipment. Mainly used for power loads.
Leather: long life but poor ventilation. Recommended for weightlifting.
How to choose the right gloves for sports
When choosing fitness gloves, we recommend paying attention to several characteristics: size, lining thickness, material, and fingers.
The size of gloves must be selected individually to suit your parameters. Gloves that are too large will have poor grip and hold on your hands. Too small – cause discomfort and pain. Both options can cause injury.
Lining thickness
The thicker the lining of your fitness gloves, the better. The thick lining may cause slight discomfort during exercise. However, it allows you to increase grip strength and has shock-absorbing properties. Therefore, training with a thick pad is more effective and safe.
Fitness gloves made of genuine leather are durable, do not lose their appearance, are waterproof, and have good anti-slip properties. However, they cause heavy sweating.
Artificial leather is similar in characteristics to natural leather. Of the minuses: gloves made of this material are less durable.
The most budget option is cotton. It is easily susceptible to external influences, is of poor quality, inelastic and short-lived. Cotton gloves are suitable for light fitness. Pros: the material is pleasant to the touch and has a stylish appearance.
Neoprene gloves are wear-resistant, flexible, and provide a secure grip. They also have perforations for air exchange and dry hands.
Fitness gloves come with and without fingers. If there are no fingers, then the palms overheat less. This eliminates profuse sweating, unpleasant odor, and a large number of germs.
Finger gloves better protect your palms from calluses, bruises, and scratches. They also create the most secure grip during exercises.
We recommend choosing gloves with long fingers and perforations. This way, you will completely protect your palms and, at the same time, create air exchange to keep your hands dry.
The quality and comfort of fitness gloves depend on the seams of the product. If you choose an accessory in person, turn your gloves inside out. This way, you can check the condition of the seams.
The seams of fitness gloves should be neat and even. Nothing should stick out. Any irregularities can create friction against the skin during movement. This will cause irritation and discomfort during exercise.
Training should bring not only benefits but also pleasure. The slightest discomfort and unpleasant sensations greatly reduce the productivity of classes. To avoid this, choose your protective equipment wisely. Our material will help you make your choice.