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Directed by Se Oh and produced by Blackheart Studios, 'The Monsters We Keep' is a psychological horror movie for our age.

Indie Movie of the Day: ‘The Monsters We Keep’

Directed by Se Oh and produced by Blackheart Studios, The Monsters We Keep is a psychological horror movie for our age. As Chloe finds herself constantly pushing away the good and clinging to the negative, we see the dark thoughts that keep her in the shadows of her own life.

The Monsters We Keep hopes to spearhead a new type of horror. Instead of using ghosts, the undead, or the paranormal, the natural serves as the vessel for horror. We all have our own monsters. Human nature can truly be monstrous.

The film follows Chloe, who finds a monster (her inner rage) and begins to nurture it. We follow her as a voyeur in the first half of the movie. The theme of isolation is punctuated by creating a wall between the audience and the film’s main character.

We then see Chloe try to push out the good in her life and cling to the dark thoughts which keep her isolated from society. The Monsters We Keep keeps the themes of compassion, isolation, and humanity at its core, creating a truly monstrous movie that will haunt you long after the credits roll.

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