Hollywood acting coach Bernard Hiller to share his insider tips at two exclusive London events
Acting coach to the stars Bernard Hiller’s new book,‘The Revolutionary Guide To Acting’, helps people achieve their goals – and he’ll be sharing his wisdom at a London Masterclass and book-signing event this month. Bernard has been in showbusiness for 35 years, starring in Broadway musicals before moving to LA and developing his unique acting techniques to train some of the finest actors in film and television, including Cameron Diaz, Jeff Goldblum, Evan Peters and Lindsay Lohan. Here he talks about his love of British actors, being authentic and the secret of success.
What’s your opinion of British actors?
It’s important to know that UK actors are the number-one foreign artists who succeed in LA. The Hollywood industry thinks of British actors as well-trained and courteous and, if they’re in the right projects, they can become very successful in the US. ‘Peaky Blinders’, ‘The Crown’ and ‘Bridgerton’ all thrive with primarily British casts and have become hugely successful worldwide – including in the American market. Hollywood loves to cast British actors and performers!
How can your latest book help people with their confidence, even if they’re not actors?
I’ve written about methods, techniques and exercises that no one has ever written about before. My acting and success book will teach you how to succeed, becoming the person you were born to be, and how to share your authenticity with the world while achieving your dreams and goals. It provides the success secrets that movie stars and top CEOs know and, most importantly, how to overcome the blocks and fears that may have stopped you up until now. This book will transform your thinking!
How can people achieve their goals?
Without powerful actions, your dreams will never come to fruition. Ninety per cent of the world just dreams of what they want to do, but if you don’t bring your dreams into reality, your dreams will eventually turn into nightmares. Learning how to listen to your inner guides will lead you to the road you must be on.
Tell us about your book-signing event on the 23rd of March.
At the book-signing event at Battersea Bookshop, I’ll share the five steps to achieve any dream, goal or idea. Also, those who attend will learn how to remove negativity, doubts and the crippling feeling that they’re just not good enough from their everyday life. At this event, people will learn how to live an Oscar-winning life!
And you’ve also got an upcoming Masterclass in London?
My London Acting Masterclass, from 21st to 25th March, will help artists discover their true passion and voice. It will also help them find their unique path to their own success. This course is only for our most serious actors who want to get to the next level, developing an international acting career – we’ll have 50 actors attending from 15 countries!
Book event: Thursday 23rd March, 6.30-8.30pm at the Battersea Bookshop (Battersea Power Station). Tickets £7, Include a complimentary glass of wine/soft drink and 15% discount on any book in the shop when purchased on the evening. Book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/book-signing-with-hollywood-acting-teacher-and-life-coach-bernard-hiller-tickets-566790073367