HomeArticles Posted by Daisy Franklin

Author: Daisy Franklin

Daisy Franklin is an adventuress, rabblerouser, and all-around snarky bon viveur. She worked in the music business for ten years and it made her absolutely miserable. Now she works as a freelance writer and is working on her first book, 'Live to Fail Another Day'.


Obsessed with the latest Korean dramas? Here are some of the hottest Korean drama sex scenes and a look behind the camera.

Is Al Gore still a rich and successful climate change guy despite the new list of documents linking him to Jeffrey Epstein?

If every 'Twin Peaks' fan is being honest, we all expected the Emmy nominations to completely screw over what we all know to be one of the greatest

We're tempted to storm the Emmy offices screaming “Got a light?” if they fail to acknowledge David Lynch for 'Twin Peaks: The Return'.

Women dominate David Lynch's 'Twin Peaks'. Run through a ranking of the best characters, from Joan Chen to Laura Palmer.

'Twin Peaks' was canceled despite the efforts of its cast. Here are the ways in which networks haven't changed.

Catherine E. Coulson plays iconic 'Twin Peaks' character the Log Lady. Here’s a ranking of eleven of the Log Lady’s most essential words of wisdom.

Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’s 'Riverdale' features loving tributes to 'Twin Peaks' that make it a strange reflection of the iconic 90s hit.

Are you a Bookhouse Boy? Take the ‘Twin Peaks’ quiz and determine whether you fit into the show’s eccentric cast.