Let’s get to know about best aws saa-c02 dumps
We have arranged best aws saa-c02 dumps certification test inquiries to make you mindful of real exams properties. This example question set furnishes you with data about the AWS-SAA test design, question format, a trouble level of inquiries and time needed to address each question. To get to know AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate test, we propose you attempt our Sample AWS SAA-C02 Certification Practice Exam in a recreated AWS certificate test climate.
The exceptional AWS-SAA certificate practice test assists you with distinguishing themes in which you are completely ready and subjects in which you might require further preparation to accomplish an incredible score in real AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate test.
AWS SAA-C02 Sample Questions:
Q1: An organization needs to keep up with access logs for at least 5 years because of administrative necessities. The information is once in a while gotten to once put away, however should be open with one day’s notification in case it is required.
What is the MOST financially savvy information stockpiling arrangement that meets these necessities?
- a) Store the information in Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive stockpiling and erase the articles following 5 years utilizing a lifecycle rule.
- b) Store the information in Amazon S3 Standard stockpiling and progress to Amazon S3 Glacier following 30 days utilizing a lifecycle rule.
- c) Store the information in logs utilizing Amazon CloudWatch Logs and set the maintenance time frame to 5 years.
- d) Store the information in Amazon S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-IA) stockpiling and erase the articles following 5 years utilizing a lifecycle rule.
Q2: An organization intends to run an observing application on an Amazon EC2 occurrence in a VPC. Associations are made to the example utilizing its private IPv4 address.
An arrangements draftsman needs to plan an answer that will permit traffic to be immediately coordinated to a backup occurrence if the application fizzles and becomes inaccessible.
Which approach will meet these necessities?
- a) Deploy an Application Load Balancer arranged with an audience for the private IP address and register the essential case with the heap balancer. Upon disappointment, de-register the occurrence and register the auxiliary example.
- b) Configure a custom DHCP choice set. Arrange DHCP to appoint a similar private IP address to the auxiliary occurrence when the essential occasion comes up short.
- c) Attach an optional flexible organization interface (ENI) to the example designed with the private IP address. Move the ENI to the reserve example if the essential case becomes inaccessible.
- d) Associate an Elastic IP address with the organization interface of the essential occasion. Disassociate the Elastic IP from the essential occasion upon disappointment and partner it with an auxiliary occurrence.
Q3: An organization utilizes Reserved Instances to run its information handling responsibility. The daily occupation commonly requires 7 hours to run and should complete inside a 10-hour time window.
The organization expects transitory expansions popular toward the finish of every month that will make the work run throughout as far as possible with the limit of the current assets.
When begun, the handling position can’t be hindered before finish. The organization needs to execute an answer that would permit it to give expanded limit as cost-viably as could be expected.
How should an arrangements modeler deal with achieve this?
- a) Deploy On-Demand Instances during times of appeal.
- b) Create a second Amazon EC2 booking for extra occasions.
- c) Deploy Spot Instances during times of appeal.
- d) Increase the occurrence size of the occasions in the Amazon EC2 reservation to help the expanded responsibility.
Q4: An organization presently stores information for on-premises applications on nearby drives. The main innovation official needs to decrease equipment costs by putting away the information in Amazon S3 yet doesn’t have any desire to make adjustments to the applications. To limit inertness, much of the time got to information ought to be accessible locally.
What is a dependable and strong answer for an arrangements designer to execute that will decrease the expense of nearby stockpiling?
- a) Deploy a SFTP customer on a nearby server and move information to Amazon S3 utilizing AWS Transfer for SFTP.
- b) Deploy an AWS Storage Gateway volume door arranged in reserved volume mode.
- c) Deploy an AWS DataSync specialist on a neighborhood server and arrange a S3 can as the objective.
- d) Deploy an AWS Storage Gateway volume door arranged in put away volume mode.
Q5: An investigation organization is wanting to offer a site examination administration to its clients. The help will necessitate that the clients’ pages incorporate a JavaScript script that makes confirmed GET solicitations to the organization’s Amazon S3 pail.
How should an arrangements planner deal with guarantee that the content will effectively execute?
- a) Enable cross-beginning asset sharing (CORS) on the S3 pail.
- b) Enable S3 forming on the S3 pail.
- c) Provide the clients with a marked URL for the content.
- d) Configure a container strategy to permit public execute advantages.
When comparing SAA C01 to SAA C02, what’s the difference?
There is no distinction. SAA-C01 is an old and retired version of the AWS Certified Solution Exam, whereas SAA-C02 is an updated and new version of the AWS Certified Solution Exam.
In SAA C02, what’s new?
The AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam has been updated to incorporate updated information across all domains, as well as new objectives linked with platform developments like database management systems and cost optimization. This test is updated on a regular basis to reflect changes in best practices for architecting an environment employing Amazon Web Services cloud services (AWS).
What are Dumps In AWS?
The AWS test dumps are a simulation exam that simulates the experience of taking a genuine AWS exam.
How do you pass SAA C02?
Answering 65 questions takes 140 minutes. A score of 72 percent is required to pass. The most common type of answer is single-select, although there are a few that provide multi-select options.
What does AWS certification cost?
It costs $100 USD for AWS Cloud Practitioner, $150 USD for Associate Level Exam, and $300 USD for Advance and Specialty Level Certification.