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Unlock the secret to landing your dream job! Discover how to dress for success with style tips featuring Louis Vuitton to make an unforgettable first impression.

Dressing For Success- How A Woman Can Make A Great First Impression!

They say that making a good first impression matters, and it never matters more than when you are a woman trying to land a great job! Your success will be determined by the people interviewing you, and it’s just human nature that your evaluation will be based on more than your resume and accomplishments, they will also be examining your overall style, including the fit and colour of your clothes, and your choice of personal accessories.

Impress with every detail

The firmness of your handshake also matters, strong but not overpowering, as well as your general posture and how you carry yourself, the degree of eye contact you maintain, and your overall confidence and enthusiasm! If you really want to impress at an interview, or later after you have been hired and are attending meetings with new clients and shareholders, be sure to pull a professionally designed name card out from one of the chic and stylish designer cardholders for women that will add to your poise and presence!

They say that clothes make the man, and it applies to women too! While the rules and expectations may differ between the sexes, the clothing you choose to wear will demonstrate your respect for the people interviewing you and the business they represent, and also how seriously you are taking the interview process. If you are sure to dress your very best for them, they will take that into account as a plus! By not dressing professionally you are endangering your chances of getting hired, and may even be considered to be insulting them!

The following are some general tips on how to achieve the positive effect you desire!

Dress to impress subtly

Clothing – This simply must be conservative and professional in style! Ensure that your outfit is fashionable, clean, pressed, and fits well. Acceptable professional dress includes a suit with skirt or slacks, or a dress that is tailored conservatively. Skirts should be knee-length. Do not wear sweaters or blouses that are tight fitting, transparent, with revealing waistlines or low necklines! Your arms should be covered as far as the biceps, or to the wrist.

You should wear a non-patterned, plain hose in a neutral colour that flatters your skin tone. You might want to coordinate your hose with the colour of your skirt. Always bring along an extra pair in case you get a run!

All in all, you can achieve more with less. Your look should be simple but classy!

Unlock the secret to landing your dream job! Discover how to dress for success with style tips featuring Louis Vuitton to make an unforgettable first impression.

Elegance without the fuss

Shoes– Always wear dark-coloured, conservatively styled shoes like flats or low pumps that are polished and clean. Only wear shoes that you can walk comfortably in so you look confident and competent as you enter. Do not wear open-toed shoes!

Accessories – These should gently express your personality and accentuate your best features, but not go over the top and attract too much attention, so keep things simple! Keep jewellery minimal, don’t wear too many earrings, necklaces, and rings- they are an asset only if they lightly accentuate your personality and are worn in moderation. Be sure to choose accessories that will complement your clothing, never distract from it!

Congratulations on your new job, you nailed it!

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