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A Brush With Success: The Short Film That Triumphed in the USA

In the realm of independent filmmaking, success is often an elusive dream. However, some stories stand out as shining examples of determination, creativity, and talent. “A Brush With Death,” a short film directed by Yuval Sol Boker, produced by Ariel Lavi,  and written by Yuval Sol Boker and Alon Karmi , has not only defied the odds but has also garnered an impressive collection of awards and accolades, with 24 wins . This remarkable journey through the world of cinema is a testament to the power of storytelling and the dedication of a passionate team. In this article, we will delve into the remarkable success story of “A Brush With Death,” with a special focus on its triumphs in the United States.

The Film That Captured Hearts

“A Brush With Death” is a short film that captivated audiences and critics alike with its unique blend of comedy and original storytelling. This heartwarming tale features a stellar ensemble cast including Tsahi Halevi, Gily Itskovitch, Mor Sarusi, and Arik Zilberman, who brought their characters to life with remarkable finesse.

Awards Galore in the USA

The success of “A Brush With Death” reached its zenith in the United States, where it garnered numerous awards at prestigious film festivals. Here are some of the most notable accolades:

Independent Shorts Awards in Los Angeles

  • Best Ensemble Cast (Tsahi Halevi, Gily Itskovitch, Mor Sarusi, Arik Zilberman)
  • Best Comedy Short
  • Best Original Story (Yuval Sol Boker and Alon Karmi)

Indie Short Fest, Los Angeles

  • Best Comedy

American Golden Pictures International Film Festival, Jacksonville 

  • Best Cinematography ( Ido Berlad) 
  • Best Sound (Lotan Schien ) 
  • Best Short Fiction 
  • Best Lead Actor ( Tsahi Halevi) 
  • Best Composer ( Sharon Farber) 

Indiex Film Festival, Los Angeles 

  • Best Producer ( Ariel Lavi ) 
  • Best Ensemble Cast  ( Tsahi Halevi , Gily Itskovitch , Mor Sarusi , Arik Zilberman )                      Accolade Short Film Competition 
  • Best Lead Actor ( Tsahi Halevi ) 
  • Best Film Short 
  • Best Script / Writer ( Yuval Sol Boker and Alon Karmi ) 

Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival

  • Best Comedy

Arthouse Beverly Hills Film Festival

  • Best Comedy

Film Invasion Los Angeles

  • Audience Award   

Hollywood Just4Short Competition 

  • Best Comedy

Iowa Independent Film Festival

  • Best Foreign Film

These awards not only acknowledge the exceptional talent of the cast and crew but also highlight the film’s universal appeal and comedic brilliance.

Nominations and Beyond

In addition to the wins, “A Brush With Death” received several nominations, including:

Lee Strasberg Film Festival , New York City

  • Best Short Film
  • Best Screenplay (Yuval Sol Boker and Alon Karmi)
  • Best Supporting Actress (Mor Sarusi)  

Beyond Hollywood International Film Festival, Los Angeles 

  • Finalist – Best Comedy                       


The film had the privilege of being screened at prestigious venues such as the Golden State Film Festival and Silicon Beach Film Festival at TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles and the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival


Global Recognition

The international acclaim for “A Brush With Death” extended to the Lonely Wolf International Film Festival in London, where it received nominations in the categories of Best Comedy/Musical, Best International Short Film,  Best Cult, and Best Emerging Filmmaker ( Yuval Sol Boker ) The film also made its mark at the Brighton Rocks International Film Festival (BIFA), a qualifying festival for the British Independent Film Awards.

About the producer:

Ariel Lavi is an award winning international film producer and screenwriter. He has produced films in the US, Mexico, Nigeria, Dubai, and Canada. His films won 109 awards and were nominated 59 times.He is a judge at Sunset Film Festival and Hollywood Screenings Film Festival. He is the owner of Lavi Company( ALAVI Corporation) in Miami, FL . Nowadays, he produces new films in a few countries. 

About the director:

Yuval Sol Boker is a notable figure known for her involvement in productions such as “A Brush with Death” (2022), “The Last Man” (2021), and “Chef Factor – Promo” (2021). Notably, she directed “A Brush with Death,” showcasing her talent in the filmmaking industry.

About the composer:

Sharon Farber is a Hollywood composer. She is a Grammy winner for the music on the album “Women Warriors- “The Voice of Changes”.She serves on the executive committees of both the Motion Pictures and TV Academies . She also has received four Emmy Award Nominations . She has been working with networks and cable broadcasters like NBC,CBS, Lifetime, and WB. 

About the actors:

  • Tsahi Halevi

Tsahi Halevi, is a renowned Israeli actor recognized for his remarkable performances in films like “Bethlehem” (2013), “Fauda” (2015), and “Line in the Sand” (2021). Tsahi is also well- known in Bollywood and  nowadays starring on the Bollywood film “AKELLI” . 

  • Gily Itskovitch

Gily Itskovitch is a well-known Israeli actress recognized for her roles in notable films such as “Spell Keepers” (2017), and “Black Space” (2020). Her talent and versatility have made her a standout presence in the world of cinema.

  • Mor Sarusi

Mor Sarusi is celebrated for her contributions to the world of film, with notable roles in productions such as  “Spell Keepers” (2017), and “The Policeman’s Daughter” (2020).

  • Arik Zilberman

Arik Zilberman is a recognized figure in the film industry, renowned for his work in productions like  “Mo’adon Layla” (2006), and “Mandelbaum Balash Prati” (2009). 

A Legacy of Success

In total, “A Brush With Death” has earned an astonishing 24  awards and received 19 nominations , cementing its status as a cinematic masterpiece. Its journey from script to screen has been a remarkable one, made possible by the collective talent, dedication, and passion of all those involved.


“A Brush With Death” is not just a film; it’s a testament to the power of storytelling and the heights that can be reached when talent and passion intersect. Its success in the USA and around the world is a source of inspiration for aspiring filmmakers and a reminder that great stories can touch hearts and transcend boundaries.

Picture Credit: Roni Lewkovitch


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