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How to Use SEO Strategies to Reach Your Target Audience

The marketing funnel, also referred to as the sales funnel or customer journey, represents the route prospective customers follow, consisting of various stages, starting from their initial product or service awareness to the ultimate purchase decision.

A substantial amount of SEO strategies done by our Enterprise SEO Expert, resources, and investments may go to waste unless businesses establish a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey or marketing funnel.

I have witnessed this scenario occur frequently, and I emphasize the significance of having a well-defined and goal-oriented SEO strategy. No matter whether your brand or organization is in its early stages or well-established, it’s a valuable practice to revisit regularly.

Customer behaviours evolve, competitors make adjustments, and your organization itself may undergo shifts in its goals and objectives that can influence your marketing funnel. Consequently, it’s essential to align your efforts accordingly.

Stages Of The Marketing Funnel

Before diving into SEO audience targeting throughout the funnel, allow me to pause briefly and review my interpretation of the funnel stages:

Top Of The Funnel

At the initial stage of the funnel, the primary objective is to generate awareness among your target audience.

Prospective customers are introduced to your brand, product, or service through a variety of channels, including advertising, social media, content marketing, and word-of-mouth recommendations.

It’s important to remember that this phase should focus on providing information and education, catering to the needs of your audience rather than engaging in direct product promotion.

Middle Of The Funnel

Within the middle of the funnel, individuals have now demonstrated an interest in your product or service and are actively seeking additional information.

This interest may manifest through more meaningful engagement with your content, subscribing to newsletters, following your social media profiles, or exploring product pages on your website. During this phase of the funnel, your content should concentrate on providing comprehensive information about your products or services, encompassing their advantages, features, and their ability to address specific customer requirements.

Bottom Of The Funnel

At the concluding phase of the funnel, users are actively assessing their choices to make informed decisions regarding a potential purchase.

They may engage in comparing your offerings with those of competitors, scrutinizing reviews, and seeking assurance to confirm that your offering aligns with their needs and preferences.

It is important to furnish these individuals with content that fosters trust and brand loyalty, ultimately guiding them towards conversion and leaving behind a favorable, enduring impression.

Harmonizing Your SEO Strategies with the Funnel
When you synchronize your SEO approach with the user’s search intent at every marketing funnel stage, you can provide the appropriate content to the intended audience precisely when it matters most.

Understanding Search Intent

The most widely recognized search intents include informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional.

SEO is inherently intertwined with grasping user intent and delivering content that caters to your audience’s requirements.

When we possess the right content for the wrong moment, or vice versa, we invest a significant amount of time and effort in opportunities with less-than-optimal conversion rates.

Here, I will outline how search intent can differ at various stages of the marketing funnel:

Awareness Stage:

At the top of the funnel, search intent usually leans towards being informational. Users are seeking information or answers to questions through educational or enlightening content. Queries frequently encompass words like who, what, when, where, why, and how.

To target users in the early stages of the funnel, I recommend that you:

  • Identify pertinent keywords and phrases that your target audience may employ when searching for information related to your industry, products, or services. These keywords should revolve around broader, informational terms.
  • Craft high-quality, informative, and engaging content that delves into the essential components, questions, and interests of your target audience. This can encompass Digital Marketing Blog posts, infographics, videos, and social media content.
  • Focus on keywords that often trigger featured snippets in search results, as they can enhance your visibility and establish your authority.

Consideration Stage:

As your audience progresses into the consideration phase, their intent shifts towards commercial and transactional aspects. They are contemplating making a decision regarding a product or service and are in the process of evaluating their options.

To engage with mid-funnel searchers effectively, you should:

  • Begin targeting more specific and long-tail keywords that signify user intent to gain deeper insights or make a decision. Such keywords might include terms like “best,” “reviews,” “comparison,” or “how to choose.”
  • Develop comprehensive guides, product reviews, and comparative articles that offer valuable insights and aid users in making informed decisions.
  • Create location-specific content using keywords based on location to direct people to your physical premises, if applicable. Local SEO can be instrumental in driving individuals to your location over a nearby competitor’s.

Conversion Stage:

Lastly, we arrive at the conversion stage, where users exhibit navigational and transactional intent.

At this point, they are well aware of what they want, and some might even be specifically seeking your brand or product.

It’s important to focus on navigational and transactional keywords, which often comprise brand names, product names, or action-oriented phrases like “buy,” “order,” “sign up,” or “contact.”

To effectively connect with users in the bottom-funnel phase, you should:

  • Optimize product pages and service descriptions to target keywords indicating a user’s intent to make a purchase, such as “buy,” “order,” “discount,” or “pricing.”
  • Implement schema markup to furnish comprehensive product information in search results, simplifying the process for users to compare and make informed decisions.


Understanding your marketing funnel and aligning your SEO strategy with user intents at each stage is paramount. SEO demands a substantial investment of time and effort.

Furthermore, it may take some time before tangible returns on investment (ROI) become apparent.

The deeper your insight into prospect engagement, funnel progression, and continuous optimization, the better equipped you are to reduce the use of ineffective tactics that yield no results.

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  • Great article Wiliam!. You have beautifully summarized the article. I would like to add that keywords research is also very very important in either stage of content marketing.

    November 10, 2023

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