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Ready to switch to enterprise application software (AES)? Here's how to choose a framework for your enterprise software.

How To Choose a Framework for your enterprise software

As the company grows and expands, it becomes challenging to manage all processes manually. At this point, switching to enterprise application software (EAS) to streamline processes through automation is a great idea. 

What is enterprise software development?

Enterprise software solution is a type of computer software that can be customized in order to meet the demands of the business rather than users. Enterprise software development allows you to apply different technological solutions to your business model to make it robust and more efficient. One of the reasons such software is often used is that it scales as the company grows while empowering the business.

What is a software framework and why do you need it?

A software framework is a sort of platform that can be used to make app development more organized. It is rich with structures and classes that help you control the development processes, creating a strong fundament for future programming. 

What to consider when choosing a framework for enterprise software

Each company has unique goals and very specific needs. There is no ultimate recipe for a perfect software framework but there are steps that can make your search easier. When deciding which development framework to employ, be sure to examine the following 9 factors.

Business strategy

What project are you developing? What are the final objectives? Are you building a website or mobile application? Are you redesigning an existing product or starting from scratch? You should raise these questions before you pick a software framework to work with. Having answered these questions, your development team will create the software architecture based on your business goals and strategies. Then you may choose the finest framework for your requirements.


Enterprise software frameworks can be difficult and costly to configure. Customization might have a cascading impact, causing faults in subsequent operations. Personalization of software might limit your capacity to apply updates rapidly, which is especially critical in the case of security upgrades that must be implemented quickly to eliminate vulnerabilities. Therefore, you should ensure that the software is transparent and offers operational control of your software-managed activities. If the program has a parametric architecture that can be constantly adjusted, it will be able to be compatible with your requirements for years.


It is worth considering the simplicity with which you can obtain responses to your inquiries and receive assistance. Determine what kind of help is available from the service companies: are there relevant support services available? If creators of the software framework continue to upgrade their product, this is a good sign. However, if the technology is not being improved by the manufacturer, you will not be able to develop high-quality products using such software.


Another important factor to look at is how stable the development framework is. A few essential measures are usually used to assess this. These can include things like how many firms are utilizing it, how many issues have been documented (and addressed), and for how long it has been used. In other words, you are assessing the framework’s credibility. You can examine case studies, papers, developer blogs, and other resources for information on the framework’s functioning and safety.


At the end of the day, you want to make sure that your product is easy to use from the customer’s point of view. To achieve this, you should complete a rigorous analysis of your business operations. First, make sure that the recent issues of your company can be solved with this software framework. Then, take a close look at whether the functions of this specific framework are compatible with your needs. Second, go through all routine processes that you plan to automate and check if this software framework is provided with corresponding tools for automation. 


Imagine looking for an answer to the technical problem with your software and finding an obsolete answer that does not work anymore. If there is an active community around the technology you plan to use, this means that you will be able to obtain quick and relevant support at the development stage. If other developers are actively involved in the discussion of the software framework, it only reinforces the speed and quality of improvements on the producer’s part. 


The more well-known a framework is, the higher the chances are that you will be able to discover decent documentation for it. Technical documentation may relieve you of headaches you face when creating a project layout and when dealing with technical issues during the development process. Exploring how simple it is to solve possible problems with a given software framework is a good place to start.

Tech team expertise

The rich functionality of a software framework won’t make a difference if the team does not have enough expertise to utilize it. Henceforth, taking into account the knowledge of your staff is a must. To profit from either Angular or Vue, your team should be proficient in it. At this point, you might consider hiring Laravel developers with diverse expertise.

End-users needs

For a product or service to be successful, it should help its users solve their problems. It is worth thinking about a specific fraction of people who will be the users of your product. By analyzing the target customer, you will be able to match the software framework with their needs. As a result, a top-notch user experience will be achieved. 

Final thoughts

You will select the ideal software framework for your project after examining all of these variables. Finally, the appropriate software framework for you is the one that corresponds with the expertise and talents of your team. As a result, the capabilities of the chosen framework will make it easier for your development team to achieve your business goals. 

About the Author: Mikhael Khaimov is a CTO at DDI Development. He is a professional with an advanced degree in web development, and 7 years of experience in building a technology strategy for the company’s projects. He has a deep understanding of network security, compliance, and operational security.

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