Driving Tips for Better Engine Life
Whether you’re a car enthusiast or not, you probably know that an engine is the heart of your car. And when the heart isn’t in the best shape – the rest suffers. And just like with an actual heart, more problems and issues come with age. It’s unavoidable. Wear and tear is real, and sometimes engine repairs are a must. Thankfully, there are certain things we can do as car owners. If we stick to them, our cars – and wallets – will be in a much better condition.
Don’t Push It
Sounds simple enough, right? Also – a little vague. In this case, we simply mean don’t put too much strain on your car. Again, more than one way to do so, but let’s focus on load for the time being. Towing boats, caravans or anything else or transporting heavy items – especially on tougher roads – can have a big impact on engine performance and lifespan. Sure, some cars were made for that specific purpose. But they have powerful engines with strong torques, which cannot be said about your regular family-friendly car. So, make sure you know what your car is meant to do and don’t push these limits.
Take Things Slow
This one might be a bit harder than following our first advice. It’s because getting a new car is one of the biggest thrills in life. You’re so excited, you could literally stay in your new four-wheeled treasure all day long. But the truth is an engine shouldn’t be put through an ordeal straightaway. New cars have certain parts that need some time to properly adjust and function – like piston rings. It’s all about the so-called break-in period, which is usually about the first 1000 miles. So, don’t get too excited, respect your car and traffic rules – and you’ll be fine.
Regular Maintenance
We shouldn’t and – frankly speaking – can’t overlook the importance of regular maintenance. Checks, oil changes and more – these are not just clever little schemes to dupe you out of your money, even though your car is running fine. They are here for a reason. And that reason is safety and performance. So, make sure you do that. Visual inspection to check for any leaks, or making sure all the belts, filters, plugs and wires are in good shape can go a long way – and don’t take too much time. For more worn-down models, you could also consider an engine rebuild service – this way you’ll know whether it’s still salvageable or maybe it’s time to move on.
Good As New
Despite certain challenges, it doesn’t really take much to keep your car running for as long as possible without spending thousands of dollars on repairs. Freak accidents and pure bad luck aside, you should be fine just by sticking to these simple rules. Sure, have fun every now and then, but remember – safety should always be your number one concern. It’s good for you and your vehicle.