Choosing the Right System Integrator – Key Considerations for Businesses
Choosing the right system integrator is more than just a technical capabilities decision. It’s also a cultural fit.
Look for an SI that is open to your ideas and will work with you to find solutions. Be wary of an SI that is overly defensive or dismissive to your concerns.
If the system integrator has not done a lot of work in your industry or with the particular technology you’re using, that’s a red flag. Look for an extensive portfolio of projects and a proven track record of success in your industry.
Ask if the integrator can provide you with a blueprint and timeline for completing your project. You should also ask them how they’ll manage the project to ensure it stays on track and on budget.
The right system integrator will be open to your ideas and suggestions and willing to listen to the concerns of others in the project team. However, be wary of an integrator that tells you that “nobody does it that way” or that their approach is the best.
Find out what partners the integrator works with because no one can do it all on their own. Ask them if they use S88 or S95 methodologies and whether the staff they mobilise will have the right skills to be successful on your project.
Look for the integrator’s ability to deliver on the promises they make during sales presentations. Be particularly careful if the system integrator over-promises during negotiations and project requirements setting, or if they give you a lower price than expected, which could reveal that they aren’t able to meet their commitments.
Look beyond technology expertise or project experience and consider an integrator’s commercial qualifications. Transformation is about new ways of doing business, which technology enables, and it’s important that the SI you select has a clear understanding of your business process requirements as well as the technical capabilities required to successfully implement your digital transformation.
Make sure the team you’ll be working with has the experience necessary to handle your project, especially in a critical area like security, where the right mix of skills and knowledge can mean the difference between success and failure. It’s also important that the team is able to take your ideas into consideration and not be too inflexible or rooted in their own “ways of doing things”.
Finally, make sure the SI you select has a track record of building projects on time and within budget, with a focus on the quality of the work and delivering a successful outcome. Ask for references, and find out what other clients have thought of their work.
Finding the right system integrator is as important as, if not more important than, selecting the technology itself for your digital transformation. The wrong choice could be disastrous, and a great one can ensure the smooth deployment and ongoing support of your new technology. Follow these tips to avoid the most common mistakes and find the integrator that’s right for your company.
The systems integrator you select should be flexible enough to adapt their methodologies to your unique situation. This will ensure the project fits your requirements and provides value to your business. A good way to judge this is by evaluating the scalability of the integration methodology. Ask the integrator to share process metrics from comparable projects. This will help you understand how the methodologies work and if they can handle future enhancements.
You also need to look at the business health of your system integrator. Look at how long they have been in business and if their clients are long term. Unlike choosing an employee, you do not want to entrust the success of your business transformation to a firm that hasn’t yet proven they are stable and capable.
Finally, look at the depth of industry knowledge and experience that your system integrator brings to the table. You should be able to evaluate this through the projects they have completed, references and a conversation with their sales team. Look at whether they are bringing senior resources or a junior team that is learning on your dime.
Choosing the right system integrator is critical to the success of your business transformation. It is important to evaluate their depth of industry knowledge, breadth of technology and project experience as well as the quality of their personnel.
As with any service provider, not all system integrators are created equal. Some have a large bench of resources and global capabilities, while others are more boutique with a focus on methodologies. Be sure to understand the team makeup that your potential system integrator brings to the table and be clear about what their strengths and weaknesses are. For example, do they have a large number of junior resources that are learning how to deliver consulting on your dime or do they have senior people with experience delivering complex transformations?
A strong reputation is one of the most important factors to look for when selecting a system integrator. Look for reviews from past clients and a robust case study library that demonstrates success in a wide range of industries. Make sure to ask about the methodology used in each case study and request a sample project plan that outlines the scope, decision points and contingency plans for the specific integration requirements of your business.
Finally, look for a company that is financially healthy and has the ability to provide long-term support. This is important because if your chosen system integrator goes out of business, you will lose the investment you made in your integration project. You can check this by looking at their business health score on various independent review sites or by visiting a couple of their installed accounts to see their operations first hand.