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China Post Tracking vs. Other Shipping Providers: Which is Best?

Shipping and supply chain management are two of the most critical elements for business today. According to statistics – around 60% of businesses globally have reported losses due to shipment issues. So, if you want to save yourself from any such potential issues, you need to choose the right trading partner by your side. 

china post tracking is the most popular option that comes to mind . But how does it compare to other shipping providers available in the market? In this article, we’ll compare the different providers with others and give you a comprehensive idea about the pros and cons of using China post tracking.

Comparing China Post Tracking to Other International Shipping Options

Apart from China post tracking, there are other options available for your shipment requirements. Let’s discuss how their services are different from the China post tracking.

China Post vs. Hong Kong

The biggest competitor for China post-tracking is Hong Kong Post. While the former will cater to delivery services throughout inland China and other areas, the latter will only provide courier services to limited locations.

The biggest difference between these shipping providers is – pricing. China Post is a relatively more cost-effective option than Hong Kong Post. But if you want quicker delivery services – China Post is your go-to option.


Another shipping option that is worth considering is JustChinaIt. This shipping provider is known for their amazing parcel tracking services. As a result – its clients can stay up-to-date with the delivery status.

However, the pricing for JustChinaIt’s services is relatively higher than China post tracking. Furthermore, the customer support services from China post tracking are relatively better than JustChinaIt.

Pros and Cons of Using China Post Tracking for Your Shipments

Just like any other thing, there are certain pros and cons that you need to consider before using China Post tracking services. Knowing about the potential benefits and drawbacks will allow you to decide whether or not it is the right option.  

Pros of Using China Post Tracking

  • You can get a wide range of shipping options to choose from
  • The company is known for their reliable delivery service 
  • Is more transparent and cost-effective than other players in the market
  • China Post has a wide coverage area since it provides delivery services in more than 200 countries

Cons of Using China Post Tracking

  • The company’s tracking system may not offer detailed information about your packages 
  • China Post might have some sort of restrictions on the types of packages 
  • You might encounter language barriers when communicating from a different location
  • There can be issues with customs clearance for some countries

Choosing the Right Shipping Provider for Your Business Needs

The last thing you want to do is look for shipping providers again and again for your business needs. You want to choose the right shipping provider from the start to avoid issues in the long run. Therefore, it is best to consider the following factors to choose the right shipping provider for your business needs. 

  • Your Products – Your chosen provider must cater to the type of products you want to ship. 
  • Delivery Speed – A shipping provider with a slow delivery speed can negatively impact your business operations 
  • Delivery Range – Make sure that the shipping provider offers coverage for areas where your customers are 
  • Delivery Costs – The shipping provider should offer a decent rate, if not the cheapest in the market 
  • Customer Service – Optimal customer support will ensure your business can get assistance whenever they’re stuck.


Choosing the right shipping provider for business is vital in a growing hyper-competitive market. If you don’t do so, you will have a hard time meeting your customers’ expectations. So, make sure to understand the pros and cons of using a shipping provider before making a final decision.

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