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10 mistakes to Avoid in Online Reputation Management

Online reputation management is the image & perception maintained within the online world for a brand, organization or individual. It can be formed by using varied online mediums like a review site, forum, social media channel, or search engine results. The best is that the Online Reputation Management company in Gurgaon or anywhere else, they understand its importance. They use what works best for managing negative reviews, handling other aspects and assuring their clients with an impeccable online reputation.

Accounting for the above-said, it is therefore important to have a proactive team that can look after the business and help avoid some common business mistakes that generally get ignored. This article has been prepared to provide a list of 10 mistakes to avoid in online reputation management to ensure the business, organization, or individual has a better online reputation. Read ahead to understand better; after all, to impress for those 10 seconds is not just what you need today.

  • Avoiding Social Media

There exist a few who consider social media a headache, but what they fail to look for is its value. To be precise, it is completely the opposite.

Social media today acts as that double-edged sword that provides you with an opportunity for having an interaction with customers or audiences. It’s a place where you do not just answer their questions but also respond towards their concerns. So, monitoring social media mentions provides an opportunity to assist as well as correct misunderstandings; after all, this helps people see the brand value you offer and the customer service that’s in action.

To not being active on social media will cause one to miss a lot of opportunities. So, act wise and, if needed, get the needed online reputation management services in Gurgaon.

1. Blindsiding Negative Reviews

Make sure to respond to the customers, even if they leave behind a negative review. Remember, dealing with it is quite crucial today to maintain online reputation management, and every Social Media Marketing company in Gurgaon understands it. This is why they advise their clients never to ignore them and suggest taking corrective steps towards whatever upsets customers.

Do not try to be defensive or aggressive. Focus on what’s wrong, ask for details, interact timely and provide the resolution. If needed, move them to the private chat for detailed information.

You can try to offer the customers a refund/discount or a means to make things right. If it is accepted, see whether or not they update it as part of their review. Remember, posting publicly will help others know that customer service is highly active, and they will offer a resolution.

2. Not Accounting Positive Reviews

As any social media marketing company would say to you, online customer reviews, they are the cornerstones of the reputation of yours. To get it can be a battle, and to manage them will be your duty.

There are business owners who fail to respond to the positive reviews. They do not realize that this can hurt their reputation and make the business or the individual look like they aren’t an appreciator of their audience or customer base, which is in love with the business. This is why it is important to take their reviews as an opportunity to interact and thank people for their kind words and enthusiasm.

You can even make such interactions more and more positive. Also, see if you can offer them anything in return for their brand loyalty.

3. Leaving Behind Consistency 

Inconsistency is a huge concern if one is working towards online reputation management.

When in your team, one person is friendly, and the other is sarcastic, one sends messages that are personable but not in line with the mission and vision of the brand, while the other does the opposite, which can create inconsistency.

Remember to find the correct key is important, and consistency is one of them. It will help the customers know beforehand what to expect. Now, this can be tackled with brand guidelines and also, at times, by hiring a Search Engine Optimization agency in Gurgaon. Now, the choice is yours. Whether you wish to handle it all on your own, or do you wish to delegate tasks?

4. Professional and Personal Mix-up

71% of the consumers, they prefer to make purchases from companies sharing values. So, company owners choosing to use the online channel of business as the platform for voicing social, political or religious views will bring in risk to alienating some section of the existing customer base and deter all those newer clients from using any services or products offered through you in future.

5. Blackhat SEO Techniques Use

Businesses understand the concept of Blackhat SEO Techniques, but they fail to realize that there are two ways (one elevates the online reputation of a business while the other harms it) of using them.

Now, there are also Whitehat SEO strategies used as part of SEO services in Gurgaon, but it takes time to show results. So, businesses choose Blackhat SEO, including keyword stuffing, creating the doorway, link farming, cutting and pasting the content from any other websites, etc. All this makes websites less valuable in terms of customer resources and hence decreases the credibility. It also can punish the website by suppressing it and taking away its ranking.

It is always advised to use the Whitehat SEO as this is a long-term result provider and not just a temporary fix.

6. Using Quick-fix for Online Reputation Management

Some agencies will try to submit the website of yours to 1000s’ of search engines for a small amount of feel. Now, before you try this, ask if it would make sense. Well, it might be one or two that would help, but they wouldn’t improve the overall search results of your brand. Remember, all that link farming and the black hat SEO, they wouldn’t work, and you will end up paying a lot more than expected. So, the best is to use correct SEO; after all, the goal is to improve internet experience quality and not to make all that costly mistakes.

7. Trying Incentives

If you are facing issues when getting reviews, do not try to offer incentives. There are varied online review sites which will penalize your business for such reviews. So, it will be better to try to look at the review management strategy, like, how feedback is being taken. In case one of the strategies isn’t working, try something new.

8. Automation of Response 

Ensure not to do this. Customers will be able to tell when there’s are being used generic responses, and this can personally frustrate them while making your brand unauthentic. So, use the strategy like to respond to comments without scripting them. Show that you care about all those experiences.

9. Fake Reviews

Do not do this ever. If you want to be authentic and wish people to trust your brand, do not post fake reviews. It will make customers turn towards competitors.

Get Experts to Handle What Your Business Needs

If you want to increase sales and reach more people or just create a brand reputation, do not worry at all. With Funnel Media, an Online Reputation Management agency in Gurgaon, you can get the best online reputation management team for you or your business. As your partner, the team will lead you towards the right direction while allowing customers to see more of what you present.

Don’t let errors in online reputation management hurt the business of yours. Take some time or hire Funnel Media and bring an improvement within your strategies. This will give you a chance to generate leads & sales. Now, the choice is yours to make. Get in touch today, or bear the consequences of your minute mistakes.

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