Super Bowl Betting Strategies You Need to Know
If you’re looking to bet on the upcoming Super Bowl this month or just looking to spice up your Super Bowl experience by betting, you’re in luck because today, we’ll be discussing betting strategies. These strategies will undoubtedly help you make yourself a few hundred dollars richer during the Super Bowl betting games.
Making a profit in sports betting can be challenging, especially when you’re just throwing in random bets regularly. However, this time, we will help you with some strategies to give yourself a bit bigger payout in your bets and to minimize your losses. Here are some of them.
Bankroll Management
When you are betting on the Super Bowl, there are many types of bets you can wager on, like spread bets, Moneyline, props, etc. Of course, wagering on multiple wagers will maximize your winnings, especially when most of your bets win. But you might be asking, how much should you wager on each bet?
If you don’t have the answer yet, we suggest you do a bankroll. The bankroll contains the money that you’re okay with losing. In short, this is the money that is not supposed to hurt you when your bets lose.
After deciding how much you want to put in your bankroll, you can then decide how much you want to wager on each bet. Let’s start with an example. Suppose you have $3,000 in your bankroll.
The general rule of thumb is that each bet should only be 2-5% of your bankroll. You’ll have $60 to $150 for each bet with this. Since the Super Bowl is only a single game, you can divide your whole bankroll into multiple bets to increase your chances.
Shop for Odds
Value is an essential factor that you should always consider when betting. Looking value means that you can get the most out of your bets in every 2022 Super Bowl Odds possible. So if you’re only wagering bets on a single sportsbook, then you’re doing it wrong.
That said, by shopping, you can have an increased payout if you win. Sure, it may be only a few dollars, but it can stack up to a hundred over time.
Odds matter as well. So whenever you finish deciding your bets, you should always look for the best odds and value to maximize your profits.
Don’t Always Rely on the Favorite
A lot of newbie bettors tend to always pick the favorite every time. However, we can’t blame them because favorites are also most likely to win.
However, even if they win most of the time, those wins don’t always account for value because their odds are too unreliable to be consistent. For example, let’s say the Bengals have a consistent -250 in most sportsbooks. So take back most of your money; this would mean you have to win at least eight Moneyline bets to take them back.
Furthermore, favorites tend to be unreliable when covering the spread. NFL stats from the mid-2000s to the late 2010s show that the favorites only cover the spread only 50% of the time. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t bet on the favorites; just don’t bet on them blindly.
Fading the Public
Fading the public means betting against what the media and the people expect to happen. Of course, this doesn’t mean to fade the public for the sake of it. We mean to look for situations where the public perception is most likely wrong. When the public strongly backs a team, most bets will be on the favorite.
This can spell bad for sportsbooks, so they create action on the other side by hiking the underdog’s value. This is a great time to fade the public because the payout tends to be much more significant on the other side.
For example, let’s say that the New York Jets will play the Buffalo Bills. This would be the point spread:
Jets: -2
Bill: +2
Suppose that the media overhyped the Jets, and it turned out that 90% of the bets favored the Jets. Bookies would then counteract this by altering the spread to:
Jets: -4
Bill: +4
Originally, this game was supposed to be very close, but since the public heavily favored the Jets, the bookies created value for the Bills to try and get people to also bet on the Bills. So, of course, if you’re looking for value, you would then vote for the Bills.
Final Words
The Super Bowl is coming up fast, and there’s no better time for you to learn some betting strategies that might help you end up a few hundred dollars richer. These strategies will help you greatly in increasing your overall payout and minimizing your losses, so you might want to keep them in mind.