Here are all the famous celebrities that have been members of cults
Celebrities: they’re just like us. They get mad at the self-checkout machines at the grocery store, they can’t find anything they want to watch on Netflix, and they get tricked into joining cults.
Well, some of them. Others just get pulled into it completely aware of what they’re doing. A few even were just born into a cult, and were the lucky ones to escape. Sure, you know Tom Cruise and Scientology. But there are so many more celebrities besides him that have been pulled into famous cults.
Jeremey Spencer: Children of God
While he’s not the only celebrity to be part of Children of God, better known as The Family International now, the Fleetwood Mac guitarist left the band to join the cult in 1971, unlike the others who were born into the organization.
As a member of Children of God, fellow members reached out to record producers to get Spencer a record deal. Releasing Jermey Spencer and the Children, the album had no critical success. Spencer relatively struggled musically while with COG, failing to get close to the commercial success of Fleetwood Mac.
The more disturbing part of Spencer’s time with COG though is the alledged child abuse Spencer actively participated in. Charged in the UK for these crimes, the accusations against Spencer are disturbing to say in the least. But then again, so is everything coming out of Children of God.
Michelle Pfeiffer: Breatharianism
For years, Pfeiffer has been called one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood. But in her early acting days, part of that beauty came from a cult. The couple who took her into their home introduced her to breatharianism with great success.
In various interviews, Pfeiffer has stated how she felt brainwashed while part of the cult, giving what little money she had to the cult. She believed in the message until she met her first husband, Peter Horton. With his help, she finally was able to wake up to the truth and leave the cult.
Glenn Close: Moral Re-Armament
When Close was 7, her family joined MRA, or Moral Re-Armament. For the next 15 years, Close and her family lived in communes within the MRA for years before attending the College of William & Mary.
But while in college, Close finally woke up to the truth. Her desire to be an actress gave her a chance to escape the MRA, and leave the religion for good. In various interviews, Close comments on how awful the experience was, and the lack of freedom she had within the commune walls.
She doesn’t blame her parents for joining though. “I have long forgiven my parents for any of this. They had their reasons for doing what they did, and I understand them.”
Angel Haze: Greater Apostolic Faith
A smaller cult than some, Haze still dealt with the harsh reality of living in a cult as a child. Her mother met a preacher within the church, and moved in with him and his family to become closer to the church.
Living in the Greater Spostolic Faith community, Haze recalls not having any individual freedom while living there. “You weren’t allowed to wear jewelry, listen to music, to eat certain things, to date people… you weren’t allowed to do pretty much anything.”
Once Haze’s mother was threatened by a pastor, her family left the church. Haze has also stated that she was sexually abused during this time as a child, but she never mentioned whether the man that did so was also a member of the church or not.
Winona Ryder: Rainbow Family Commune of Living
Ryder’s family lived with seven others on this commune without electricity, television, or music. At first glance, it seems like an Amish based style of living, nothing shady. But over the years, the Rainbow Gatherings have revealed sinister undertones.
Without TV or electricity, Ryder turned to reading and writing as her escape, with a huge focus on The Catcher in the Rye. After her mother secretly showed her and her siblings some movies on a screen in the barn, she knew she wanted to be an actor.
The family only stayed with the commune for about three years, moving to California after. It doesn’t seem like it had that bad of an effect on Ryder, though her obsession with The Catcher in the Rye probably did.