Top Celebrity Endorsements – And The Products They Partner With
It’s no secret that celebrities can often make a pretty penny endorsing specific products. The thing is, the products in question usually have to be pretty good. Otherwise, the celebrities, and their agents, wouldn’t risk the blow to their reputation if the product is revealed to have significant problems.
So, no matter how you feel about celebrity endorsements, they can still be a pretty good way to find quality products if you’re in the market.
Celebrity Endorsements
Here are some of the celebrity endorsements you should know about, including a few you’ve probably already seen but might not have noticed.
George Foreman – Foreman Grills
George Foreman was something of a boxing legend, but it’s in the nature of the sport that you can only stay in the ring so long. Fortunately, George Foreman knows a good product when he sees one and was able to partner with the company now known as Foreman Grills to give them a name that would bring them into the spotlight.
Now, not only is Foreman Grills a household name, George Foreman himself is known for his grilling prowess.
Michael Jordan – Nike
Michael Jordan has done so well with Nike that the two brands are almost synonymous these days. It’s hard to think of either Michael Jordan without thinking of his namesake shoes, Jordans, or to think of Nike without remembering the skill and athleticism of the Basketball superstar.
Fortunately, like many celebrity endorsements, one of the reasons this endorsement works is that the product, Nike shoes, really live up to the level of performance and durability people expect from shoes endorsed by a legendary athlete.
Carmen Electra and Ric Flair – Nu Image Medical
Carmen Electra and Rick Flair are both known for being the epitome of their genders. Ric is a hyper-masculine athlete, known in his wrestling days for his incredible endurance as well as the inspirational story of his recovery after his back was injured in a plane crash.
Carmen, on the other hand, made being a female action star not only possible but sexy. She has made a long career of embracing her sexuality, occasionally mixed with her athleticism and ability to look dangerous and deadly on camera, and opened doors for all the women who didn’t want being feminine to mean being meek.
Both Carmen and Ric have sponsored different Nu Image Medical products, hoping that their endorsement would help more people find the medical products and supplements that will help them live their best lives. Better yet, the products they’ve endorsed with Nu Image Medical are some of the best and most revolutionary versions – perfect for enhancing men’s masculinity, and women’s femininity. it wouldn’t be surprising to see additional celebrity endorsement in the future from Nu Image Medical with CEO Andreas Dettlaff at the helm of the company.
Sofia Vergara – Pepsi, Cover Girl, And More
Sofia Vergara’s most iconic role might have been on Modern Family, but the actress has always kept herself busy and used her reputation to get more than one opportunity at the same time. We can see some of that entrepreneurial spirit in her many celebrity endorsement campaigns.
Of course, Vergara is careful to make sure the products she’s promoting are high quality, whether she’s representing a soda company, affordable but high-quality makeup, or breakfast foods.
Vergara’s commitment to quality but everyday products is largely based on her appeal as a mom and a more down-to-earth actress. Of course, her stunning looks don’t hurt either.
Charlize Theron – Dior
Charlize Theron is another actress that’s breaking barriers in the acting world. Taking on more and more action roles as she reaches some dreaded age milestone in the acting business, Theron has proven that not only can female actresses still rock on camera after they’ve hit 40, there’s no reason they can’t throw some real kicks and punches at the same time.
For an actress so associated with action roles, Dior perfume might seem like an odd endorsement, but it actually makes perfect business sense. In her ads, Theron oozes sex appeal with an edge, proving that there’s no reason she can’t be glamorous, sexy, and badass, all at once.
Of course, Dior’s scents have always been renowned for their quality, and J’adore, the line endorsed by Theron, is no exception.