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Who wins the battle between Odoo and SAP in 2023?

In 2023, an ERP system may be the solution for your business if there are operational inefficiencies, dispersed data and systems, delays, and inadequate departmental coordination.

But selecting the appropriate one is comparable to choosing a medication according to the diagnosis. ERP software is incredibly adaptable and gives a wide range of customization choices.

Which ERP system would be ideal for your company’s goals, internal workings, and size? This is where Odoo development and SAP are two of the most well-liked alternatives to ERP software today. So here let’s see who wins the battle between odoo and Sap in 2023:

Odoo features:

This program has been improved and developed by the world’s developer community for more years, and businesses now enjoy it for its extensive customizability and simplicity of use.

Speaking of customization, this is one benefit of Odoo ERP. It enables you to turn on service modules in accordance with organizational needs. Along with modules for operations, it also provides modules for sales, e-commerce, projects and service desks, finance, and marketing.

Organizations won’t have to switch between several systems to locate the data they need to complete a task with the aid of Odoo development. 

This software’s goal is to simplify the processes so the team can operate effectively in fewer stages. You can control a number of companies, warehouses, and websites with Odoo ERP.

The innovative inventory management system with built-in barcodes and QR codes is among Odoo ERP’s top features.

SAP features:

One of the most efficient corporate management systems in the world is SAP. Integrated enterprise apps replace the outmoded process-driven platform by connecting every aspect of a business with an intellectual suite on a fully digital platform.

Today, SAP has more than a million cloud users and offers clients more than 100 solutions. SAP centralized company data management to deliver the latest facts to every team member.

You must have the data available to you to establish effective business strategies and make the greatest business decisions.

SAP offers financial management solutions to improve profitability, decrease errors, boost efficiency, and boost profit margins.

With reports tailored to provide the required data, SAP allows you to control every aspect of your purchases and inventory.

You can create accurate reports using the organization’s data and the business intelligence capabilities provided by the SAP platform, combined with analysis and reporting tools.

Odoo vs. SAP: who wins?


Odoo offers versions that can be adjusted for various budgets, especially for small and medium-sized businesses that need to track their spending.

Due to its implementation and ongoing costs, SAP can be more expensive. In addition, the price per user is frequently higher.


Smaller companies frequently need to adapt to meet the constantly shifting demands of the market. For instance, if your supplier makes a change, you might need to modify the entire supply chain process. That is only possible if your Odoo ERP software is adaptable enough.

Odoo gives firms a lot of flexibility because it is simple to alter ERP procedures. If your company had many branches located in different countries, you would need an ERP system that was more dependable. In these situations, SAP is a great option.

Hosting options:

You can install SAP or Odoo on a private or public cloud server or on-premises, depending on your preferences. If you utilize the community edition of the program, you can install Odoo ERP on your servers without spending a dollar.

Alternatively, you could select the business edition and pay to gain access to the Odoo server. At the same time, a license fee will be charged if you choose SAP. Notably, you would not be charged any additional server maintenance fees.

Ecommerce order volume:

The Odoo community version is also better suited for small businesses that process fewer orders daily. If your company develops in the future, you can always upgrade to the Enterprise edition or make performance adjustments.

SAP would be a better choice if you are an enterprise or a big organization. Because it can take a lot of data, it is used by websites that process hundreds of thousands or millions of orders daily.

Despite frequently taking a long time to process large amounts of data, the software is still the most dependable one.

Changeover to new ERP versions:

When the newest ERP versions are released, are you comfortable switching all of your data back and forth between the various versions? If you are okay with your ERP system undergoing frequent migrations and updates, Odoo is better than SAP.

Odoo ERP routinely updates its modules with new functions and features that could improve your company’s operations.

On the other side, SAP is a superior choice because it is backward compatible. As a result, each time an upgrade is made available, you are not required to migrate all data or code.

Time and effort:

Python and Javascript, two widely used programming languages with easy learning curves, were used to create Odoo. The Odoo ERP software also includes a number of modules that facilitate implementation for you.

However, you can enhance and modify your ERP system by working with Odoo development services. They might make use of software designed specifically to satisfy your needs.

Technology-wise, Odoo is less complex than SAP. Although the modules resemble those in Odoo in many ways, using them is complex. You will need specialized training from SAP developers to learn how to use SAP.

A final comparison between SAP and Odoo:

Odoo is still a relatively new ERP system compared to SAP, which has existed for much longer and is a more trustworthy technology. Many large businesses have chosen SAP as their preferred option due to its standardized processes and focus on quality standards.

Even though SAP is not viewed as being particularly flexible for small and medium-sized businesses, it has attempted to address a number of challenges that these companies face. But the cost is more elevated than that of its competitors.

Alternatively, you can use the community or the enterprise edition of Odoo 16 ERP based on your business needs. Additionally, Odoo’s unique capabilities and features effortlessly help small and medium-sized businesses.

Final thoughts:

Finally, hire the top Odoo developers to build specialized Odoo applications for the benefit of your company.

The best Odoo development company keeps up with the most recent features and improvements to give your business apps the desired competitive advantage.

Author Bio: Maulik Shah is the CEO of BiztechCS, a development company. He often takes the front seat in the company’s development projects, because he enjoys solving problems through technology. When it comes to writing for any blog, his contribution is priceless. Maulik ensures that his interaction with development is frequent enough, and his industry knowledge ever evolving, that he can share it. Despite his packed days, Maulik’s door is always open and he is generous with sharing this knowledge and experience.

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