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Warith Niallah’s Investment in A.I. to Transform the Entertainment Industry

Warith Niallah, CEO of FTC Publications, is investing millions in Entertainment AI, an artificial intelligence-based system that will help streamline the entertainment industry. This technology controls closed captions, voiceovers, and image creation for television and film projects. With this investment, Niallah is looking to revolutionize the way people create content in the entertainment industry. 

What is Entertainment AI? 

Entertainment AI, or artificial intelligence, uses machine learning to enable faster production times and more accurate subtitles by automatically translating audio into text without any manual effort from producers or editors. In addition, it can automate voiceover recordings by creating a natural voice without having to use actors or voice talent to perform the voiceovers. Lastly, it can generate images that match a specific script or concept—allowing animators and artists to focus on creating higher-quality content with fewer resources. 

How Will Entertainment AI Benefit The Industry? 

As a result of entertainment AI, production teams can work more efficiently by eliminating tedious tasks such as manually recording voiceovers and closed captions, freeing time for more creative activities such as storyboarding. In addition, it will provide greater accuracy for complex translations, especially foreign dialog and multilingual scenes, which can be difficult for human translators to accomplish quickly and accurately. Furthermore, this technology could allow producers and directors to create higher-quality images with fewer resources, giving them a more significant budget for other aspects of their projects. 

Using AI to Generate Closed Captions

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate closed captions has become an increasingly popular solution for many companies and organizations due to its cost-saving benefits. Closed captions are essential for various reasons, such as aiding people with hearing disabilities, providing translations into multiple languages, and making video content more accessible to a larger audience. AI-generated closed captions offer an efficient way of creating captions without manually transcribing the audio in real-time. 

Closed captioning with AI is faster and more accurate than traditional manual transcription methods. AI-generated closed captions can create results in seconds or minutes, depending on the length of the audio file. AI systems can also recognize different regional accents and dialects, which helps make captions more accurate for diverse audiences. Additionally, AI systems can detect when a speaker changes mid-sentence, allowing for more seamless transitions in dialogue. 

Warith’s Considerations for Closed Captioning

Warith’s team at FTC Publications indicates that in addition to speed and accuracy, using AI for closed captioning also helps save costs by eliminating the need for manual transcribers or specialized software. By utilizing an automated process that eliminates human labor costs, companies can significantly reduce operational expenses while providing high-quality captions that comply with accessibility standards. 

There are key considerations when deploying an AI-based solution for closed captioning:

  1. It’s crucial to have robust speech recognition algorithms that accurately capture words and phrases within recorded audio files.
  2. The system must be able to recognize different types of accents so that it can generate accurate transcriptions in all languages spoken within the source material.
  3. Captioners should use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to ensure that all content is clearly understood by viewers regardless of language barriers or hearing impairments. 

Compared to manual transcription, artificial intelligence has numerous advantages for closed captioning, including faster turnaround times, better accuracy rates across a wide range of audio formats and languages, and reduced costs because manual transcription services are no longer required. By leveraging advanced speech recognition algorithms and natural language processing techniques, companies can quickly create high-quality closed captions that will make their videos more accessible and enjoyable for everyone who watches them.


Warith Niallah’s investment in Entertainment AI promises great things for the entertainment industry. This technology allows filmmakers, producers, animators, and other creatives to streamline their production process while delivering high-quality content with fewer resources. Not only that, but they’ll be able to achieve better accuracy than ever before when it comes to translations and closed captions — all thanks to the power of automated intelligence. It will be exciting to see what innovations result from this exciting technological breakthrough!

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