Suffering from Sleep Disorders? Try These 5 Teas to Induce Sleep Naturally
Are you looking for tea for a good sleep? Do you often feel sleepy and drowsy during the day? Are you finding it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep? If so, you may be suffering from a type of insomnia known as transient insomnia. This is not only inconvenient, but it can affect your health.
Tolerable Tea
For people who find it difficult to get to sleep, the beverage chamomile may be soothing. This tea has a sedative effect that helps induce sleep. Some individuals, however, experience jittery side effects from drinking chamomile tea. Thus, it is important to consult your pharmacist before taking this tea in order to avoid possible interactions with other medicines. If you frequently take sleeping pills, check with your doctor and see if he or she will prescribe a different type of medication in order to avoid interactions.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is another well-known beverage that is known for its calming effect. There are many types of tea that claim to provide good sleep, and Chamomile tea is one of the most preferred sleeping tea all around the world. This tea can be consumed in any form, including capsules, loose tea, or a cup of hot tea. However, some health care professionals recommend that you consume this tea in a prepared form that consists of all the herbs in the formulation. The reason behind this recommendation is the fact that different parts of the herb produce different psychotropic effects. Thus, if you are taking a different herbal supplement, the chances are that you may be experiencing various side effects.
Aromatic Tea
Another choice for teas for good sleep is the use of an herbal extract, such as lavender or catnip. These herbal extracts are known to induce a sense of relaxation. This, in turn, can help a person fall asleep faster because it can disrupt the normal rhythm of circadian rhythm. As we all know, the circadian rhythm is the process by which the body clock synchronizes all of our internal activities with the external environment. When this rhythm is disrupted due to various factors, people often experience sleep disturbances and lose their sleep quickly.
Green Tea
This beverage is one of the most popular teas for quality sleep, especially among people who are more sensitive to caffeine. However, unlike caffeinated beverages, it does not cause insomnia. Instead, it promotes a good night’s rest by helping the body repair itself. One way that green tea does this is by increasing the level of norepinephrine and serotonin, two brain chemicals that are responsible for relaxation, drowsiness, and a balanced mood. However, in certain individuals who suffer from high blood pressure, caffeine may have negative side effects, so it is important to consult your physician first.
Black Tea
This tea is another good choice that is very effective in inducing sleep. Like green tea, it also contains compounds that have health benefits. In addition, it contains relatively low amounts of caffeine, thus making it ideal for individuals who have a high tolerance for caffeine. But just like coffee, black tea has its own disadvantages, namely its bitter taste and potential caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Using a tea strainer can help to deliver the perfect black tea taste.
Herbal Teas for Good Sleep: Herbal teas can be a good option for people who do not want to feel sleepy during the night. While there is generally no significant amount of caffeine or other stimulants in herbal teas, there are some teas that are milder versions of traditional remedies such as chamomile, lavender, and jasmine. Thus, they still can produce the same effects as traditional remedies but without the feeling of nausea and headaches that come with caffeine. In fact, many people find herbal teas to be milder alternatives to sleeping pills and other drugs. However, as with any natural alternative, there is always the risk of interactions with other medications and substances. Along with herbal teas, you should also try out some of the best sleeping positions such as a couple sleeping positions, laying on your back, etc. These sleeping positions also provide your body the freedom and relaxation to sleep well.
Caffeine: As noted, caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in tea leaves and is found in a moderate amount in many types of herbal teas. In moderation, most people do not see a negative effect from consuming caffeine. In fact, many health experts advocate caffeine as a natural pick me up that can help induce sleep. However, if you do choose to include this ingredient in your tea, the suggested dosage is half of what you would have taken if you had ingested caffeine in its purest form. Thus, if you find that your body cannot handle the added burden of caffeine, you should consider reducing the dosage instead of stopping all consumption. This will ensure that your body can cope with the stress caused by the herbal teas and still stay asleep.
The tea that induces sleep has long been linked to a variety of health benefits. Its association with promoting good health dates back to at least the ancient Chinese. While it is now considered an energy drink, the early civilizations actually regarded it as a beneficial beverage that promoted a healthy state of mind. And today, even though it is not generally considered to be an effective aid in fighting off fatigue and maintaining a strong immune system, many people use it as a natural way to rest. Because of this, many studies have attempted to determine just how effective tea can be at promoting sleep.
In particular, researchers have examined the impact that various teas have on sleep. Over the last few decades, researchers have become particularly interested in studying chamomile and other types of herbal remedies. The results of these studies have been mixed. However, when considering whether or not chamomile tea is effective in promoting a good night’s sleep, it is important to examine just how chamomile works in this regard.
One of the first findings to come out of these studies was that tea tends to cause mild sedation. This is a common effect of tea, and it explains why so many people choose to make a cup before going to bed. In general, a cup of lemon balm or any herbal remedy can cause the body to feel more relaxed. This feeling of relaxation, in turn, causes the mind to settle, which in turn clears the brain of the cobwebs that have accumulated over the course of the day. The end result is often an excellent night’s rest.
Increase of Sleep Cycle
Interestingly enough, there is another aspect to the relationship between chamomile and sleep that has not been examined much. That is, it appears that teas may actually increase the length of the individual’s sleep cycle. At the very least, those who prefer herbal teas to decaffeinated varieties tend to be people who are either late risers or early risers. If the latter group is middle of the road in terms of regular sleeping patterns, then the herbal route may be the best route to take. After all, the goal is to extend the time spent in each phase of the sleeping cycle.
There is no evidence, however, that the consumption of tea, specifically herbal teas, will increase the amount of time during which an individual sleeps. What may happen is that the tea will help to induce a better waking state. For those who are more interested in good sleep habits than getting a few extra minutes of undisturbed sleep, this is an important benefit of the tea.
There are several other possible benefits associated with the consumption of this beverage. For instance, those who drink it as a beverage after meals may find that the beverage helps to reduce the amount of food that they eat. That means that those who are trying to lose weight will find that they feel less hungry after a meal when they are drinking tea. Those who are looking to improve their exercise habits will find that drinking the beverage is also likely to have some effect. In addition, those who are trying to improve the quality of their sleep will find that the beverage will improve the quality of their sleep.