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Self Defense Is a Prime Reason for Gun Ownership by Civilians

Guns have a close link to adventure when used for hunting, but self-defense is one of the most common reasons for anyone desiring a gun. On visiting a gun store, you can look closely at thousands of different types of guns on display and pick one according to your need. Besides self-protection, hunting, and competition are the other reasons that drive gun enthusiasts to possess firearms. Some people even love collecting guns, while others might inherit these. Firearms such as guns empower people who feel confident to protect themselves from attacks by men or animals. This article explains why guns are the best weapons for self-defense.

  • Self Protection

Most Americans own guns as a weapon for self-defense, as revealed in one study conducted by Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist, in 1993. Law-abiding citizens prefer to keep a gun by their side to ensure their safety against any criminal attack, which is evident from a firearm violence report published by the US Department of Justice. The report covers the period between 1993 and 2011 and shows that nearly 1% of victims of violent crimes could escape fatality by using guns for self-defense against attackers. Therefore, having a gun increases the chances significantly of being alive when facing violent attacks.

  • Family Protection

Any family member owning a gun is reassuring for those who stay protected from violent events threatening their lives. Having a gun with you gives you the added responsibility of protecting your loved ones, including family, friends, and colleagues, when you are together. Carrying a weapon increases your alertness about the surroundings, which helps prevent dangers. Since gun attacks are on the rise in the US and the police’s response time is slightly more than 10 minutes, it makes good sense to have a gun to thwart sudden gun attacks and save lives before the police arrive. Make sure that you buy your gun from a reputed dealer.

  • Guns as a Deterrent

It’s beyond doubt that criminals fear confronting or targeting victims armed with guns even more than they fear police officers, as revealed in a study of jailed criminals by James Wright and Peter Rossi. The interviewed criminals admitted that they fear being hurt and even killed when attacking someone with a gun. Therefore, guns are effective deterrents against criminals who hate facing victims who stay prepared to fight back.

  • Prevent Armed Robbery

The ease of owning firearms in the US is a reason for fewer incidents of armed robberies than in the UK and Netherlands, which have strict rules for holding firearms. Taking advantage of the lenient gun laws in the US, civilians can arrange for their protection by owning guns. A direct impact of the laws is evident in fewer burglaries and home invasions by raiders armed with guns. Moreover, the rates of violent crimes and homicide are lower in States with many gun owners. 

Gun owners must have proper training for using the weapon properly, or it can defeat the purpose of self-protection.

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