Asking for a friend, how do I post XXX videos on TikTok?
Although its algorithm has changed, TikTok is by far the hottest social network currently, but is it possible to post XXX content? Long story short, no, as Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms, TikTok’s algorithm won’t allow nudity, much less sexually explicit content. Sometimes contents don’t even have to be reported, it’s all automated to delete XXX images instantly.
Nonetheless, as instagram, TikTok is a must have social network for all kinds of content creators, including XXX videos creators. Besides, it might be a good place to get teased and go get the strip to another platform. Something we do have to say is that there are a lot of hot content creators on TikTok, and its algorithm is so accurate that you’ll end up watching what you like.
Several accounts of hot people also do a lot of live streaming videos where they’re simply staring at the camera with a super thin dress or something similar. As we first mentioned, TikTok might not be the social network to get some on your own, but it’ll definitely warm you up! Aside from twitter, it’s very hard to find social networks where to watch XXX videos, but why? Let’s take a look at TikTok’s situation.
TikTok Community Guidelines
We can be super fans of a determinate social platform, but we constantly forget to check the terms & conditions. Usually we don’t care, nor give ourselves the time to realize whatever we need regarding the terms & conditions we’re accepting. Also, do we really have a choice? What’s left if we don’t agree with them? Not being part of postmodernity? Besides, we’re getting watched anyway…
But further than the twisted surveillance and data harvest that are inherent to all social network platforms, let’s analyze what TikTok forbids & allows. TikTok is supposed to be a minor friendly social network, which is why it tries to keep a determined curation of contents. As usual, sexuality is a complex topic and it gets automatically out of the conversation in its explicit form.
We might not be able to find XXX videos on TikTok, yet, several trends involve sexual content, there’s also a lot of great sex education on the platform. Yet, TikTok forbids overall nudity & sexual activity regarding minors, obviously. All content that depicts any kind of sexual arousal or stimulation, as well as suicide, self-harm, and dangerous challenges will be automatically pulled off.
XXX videos restrictions
Why is it so hard to get to watch explicit content on regular platforms? Even when it comes to explicit content in movies they automatically enter another category. The truth is that we’re constantly stimulated with the idea of sex, yet, getting there or talking about it it’s somehow forbidden. Stigma weighs more than all social networks community guidelines, however, it’s a complex topic.
Aside from stigma and the decadent sex education we’ve received historically, at least on accident, sex is a battleground too. Numerous acts of violences and power exercises get condensed in our sex lives, which aren’t necessarily bad if they’re conscious. Nevertheless, it is definitely delicate for a minor to be in touch with all kinds of XXX videos without having a developed consciousness, nor a good sex education.
For this reason, it makes all sense that platforms that are supposed to be minor friendly keep some curations on the contents. Nonetheless, this discourse is usually used as a shield, in order to censor other kinds of content that are actually really valuable, like sex education. Although many of these videos won’t get deleted, they won’t get viral either due to shadowbanning.
Finally, if what you’re looking for is to post XXX videos of your own, there are many platforms where you can even get some money out of it. So let’s keep TikTok for our education & entertainment and better get some dollars elsewhere.