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NBA Ex Jehovah Witnesses

The National Basketball Association is one of the premier professional sports leagues worldwide. It boasts players with different backgrounds and beliefs – even some who have adopted Jehovah’s Witness beliefs.

Danny Granger and Darren Collison are two such athletes whose devotion to faith helped keep them focused both on and off the court. Visit how many ex nba players are jehovah’s witnesses to learn more about the NBA Ex Jehovah Witnesses.

Dewayne Dedmon

Dewayne Dedmon has emerged as one of the NBA’s premier supporting players. However, had his mother followed through on her objection to playing basketball due to their Jehovah Witness beliefs, Dedmon may never have made it this far in his career.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are a Christian religious group that adheres to strict obedience of its teachings, such as rejecting blood transfusions and extramarital sexual activity as well as participating in door-to-door evangelism activities. Many NBA players have also adhered to this faith at one time or another during their careers.

Brittany Schmitt made waves recently with her set about her ex, an NBA player and Jehovah’s Witness. This went viral and created interest about other Jehovah’s Witness NBA players like Darren Collison who have openly practiced their faith during their careers in the league.

Danny Granger

Dewayne Dedmon, Danny Granger and Darren Collison are just three former NBA players who have adopted Jehovah’s Witness faith as they pursue careers. It is fascinating to observe their incorporation of their beliefs into their careers despite having different religious affiliations than many in the league.

Granger was raised in an environment steeped in spiritualism, yet didn’t undergo baptism until 2017–two years after his NBA career had concluded. Granger spent nine seasons playing for Indiana Pacers as well as Miami Heat and Los Angeles Clippers during his NBA tenure – his decision to embrace religion so late in life is an inspiring demonstration of its power to influence both personal and professional decisions alike.

Darren Collison

Darren Collison is an NBA veteran and Jehovah’s Witness who retired from basketball to focus on his spiritual growth in 2019. After playing for Indiana Pacers for many years, Darren decided to retire and dedicate more of his time doing international ministry and volunteering work.

He cites his faith as being central to his life, and basketball as an avenue to honor God. Additionally, his religion provides strength in dealing with the pressure and challenges associated with NBA life – an example of how you can achieve both on the basketball court and beyond.

Tawwakar Walker

The NBA has long had players who follow the Jehovah’s Witness faith. These athletes have made significant impacts in both basketball and religion. Jehovah’s Witnesses adhere to ethical guidelines which impact all aspects of their lives – for instance they do not receive blood transfusions and participate in certain holidays.

The NBA can be an intense and demanding environment for its players, yet many find comfort in their faith as an outlet of strength and resilience. AC Green was well known for his devotion to Jehovah’s Witnesses; similarly Danny Granger and Darren Collison have found peace within their beliefs; these men have fully embraced their religion while serving as role models within their religion in the NBA.

Trey Thompkins

Basketball and religion may seem to have no correlation, yet numerous former NBA players such as A.C. Green, Danny Granger and Darren Collison have openly shown their faith. These players have shown how it’s possible to combine religious convictions with NBA careers successfully.

Faith has provided them with an unshakeable sense of purpose, and has guided their decisions off of the court. No surprise then that these athletes are so committed to their faith.

Religion aside, they have also developed lasting relationships with their fans that provide them with a source of income to allow them to live comfortably.


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