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Juul Won’t Charge: How to Fix Common Issues

The Juul is such a popular e-cig that it’s become synonymous with all vape pens. That widespread popularity, however, also comes with some downsides: It means the Juul has many potential issues to overcome. The biggest downside for users is that the Juul doesn’t always charge. The rechargeable battery of your Juul may stop powering the device up fully. Thankfully, you can troubleshoot many issues and get things going again. Here are some common reasons why your Juul won’t charge and how to fix them.

Check the USB Cord

First, make sure that the USB cord is plugged in securely. In addition, check that the Juul itself is plugged into the correct port on your wall charger. If your USB cord is damaged, it won’t charge your Juul. If your Juul is plugged into the wrong port on your charger, it won’t charge. It takes about two hours to fully charge your Juul. If you’re using a wall charger, the light on the charger will turn green when the Juul is fully charged. If your USB cord is damaged, you’ll also have trouble charging your Juul.

The Battery is Dead

If you’ve tried all the above and your Juul still won’t charge, the problem could be that the battery is dead. If you can pry the battery out of your Juul, you can replace it with a new one. If you can’t get the battery out of your Juul, you’ll need to replace the whole Juul e-cig. Unfortunately, you can’t fix a dead battery. Replacing your Juul e-cig is relatively easy. You can find instructions on how to replace your Juul battery or entire Juul here.

The Juul is Frozen

The Juul is a very popular e-cig, so it’s likely that you’ll encounter other people’s Juuls at parties or in public. You may have to contend with a frozen Juul if you come across a Juul that’s been left in a freezer. If you’re at a party and come across a frozen Juul, you can try to defrost it. First, take it out of the freezer. Then, try to warm it up by putting it in a warm place. Let it sit for a while and it should unfreeze. If you come across a frozen Juul, it’s best to just put it in a warm place until it thaws out.

Your Juul Has a Software Issue

A Juul with a software issue will charge, but it won’t turn on. If you’ve tried everything above and your Juul won’t turn on, you may have a software issue. If your Juul has a software issue, you can try to reset it. To reset your Juul, you’ll need a paper clip. While your Juul is plugged in, insert the paper clip into the tiny hole next to the charging port. Hold the paper clip in the hole for 10 seconds. Then, unplug your Juul and try to turn it on. Your Juul may have a software issue if it’s frozen or it won’t turn on. If you have a frozen Juul, you can try the same paper clip reset method. If nothing happens, your Juul may have a software issue.

Your Charger is Broken

If your Juul won’t charge and you have tried everything above, your charger may be broken. If your Juul won’t charge and your charger is plugged in, your charger may just be broken. There are two ways to troubleshoot this problem. First, try a different wall outlet. If your Juul won’t charge using a different outlet, your charger may be broken. If you suspect your charger is broken, you can try a different charger. If your Juul starts charging using a different charger, your original charger is broken. If your charger is broken, you’ll need to replace it. It’s best to use a charger from the same brand.


If your Juul won’t charge and you’ve tried everything above, the problem could be that your Juul’s battery is dead. You can try to reset your Juul or replace your battery. If your Juul won’t charge and you’ve tried everything above, your charger may be broken. It’s best to use a charger from the same brand to avoid this problem. If your Juul won’t charge, make sure you’ve tried all the above. Once you’ve ruled out all of these issues, you’ll need to replace your Juul battery or Juul e-cig. If you can’t get your battery out, you’ll need to replace the whole Juul e-cig.

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