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Important Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

As summer nears, it’s time to turn on your air conditioner once more. Before doing so, it is advisable to give yourself ample time and effort in planning out its maintenance – this will not only ensure it runs efficiently without breakdowns but can also save on energy costs as regular maintenance keeps efficiency high and energy consumption decreases. Aircon units are one of the most frequently utilized electrical devices in Singapore due to its hot but often windy climate. Service aircon Singapore offer qualified Singapore Aircon servicing services provided by experienced technicians who know all there is about air-con servicing. Overuse may lead to unexpected issues with high-end AC models resulting in costly maintenance bills for their maintenance requirements in Singapore and may lead to several potential complications with usage over time.

Here are maintenance tips you can do yourself for your air conditioner.

Importance of Air Conditioning Preventive Maintenance

Maintaining and repairing ACs regularly extends their lifespan by two or more years on average, and reduce energy costs while improving reliability of systems. Thus, regular air conditioner maintenance should be seen as essential.

These tasks are manageable at home by any homeowner themselves. If any task feels intimidating or out-of-your-depth, don’t hesitate to seek professional air conditioner maintenance service assistance. If attempting them yourself, ensure all precautionary measures such as wearing protective gear and switching off power sources to the unit prior to starting are observed.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

Clear/Replace Air Filter

Clear/Replace Air Filter A key part of servicing any air conditioner involves keeping its filter clean or replacing it altogether as necessary. Reusable filters should be cleaned, while any others must be completely discarded and replaced for best performance. When it comes to air filters, cleaning them depends on where you live. Air conditioners in urban environments typically need their filters cleaned or changed more often than those located in rural or semi-urban settings. At least twice per year between spring and fall is generally recommended to clean an air purifier properly. Why is changing or cleaning an air purifier essential? First of all, when your air filter becomes filled with dust, dirt, and allergens its airflow will decrease, forcing your AC unit to work harder than necessary and potentially increasing risk for asthma or allergies among family members. A blocked filter could also transmit these allergens directly into the air you breathe, increasing their risk and placing all family members at greater risk for illness.

Check All Wiring

Before undertaking this step, make sure your air conditioning unit has been turned off and unplugged from power sources. Remove the access board of the condensing unit to check for burned or melted insulations and damaged wires; check contactor switch pitting; if so replace. Also look out for weak electrical connections nearby – although novices may struggle managing these techniques alone so if in doubt seek expert assistance from air conditioning service provider.

Check the Thermostat

An essential part of air conditioner maintenance, the thermostat helps maintain an ideal indoor temperature in your home. If you use an old-school mechanical thermostat, investing in an adjustable one may be worthwhile as you can program it to increase when no one is home and then return back down a half an hour prior to leaving for work – saving energy that would otherwise go toward keeping the house at an uncomfortable level all day long.

Check the Condenser’s Fan

A fan is essential to the smooth functioning of any condenser unit. To ensure its optimal operation, switch off power source for any air conditioner mounted on walls and inspect fan blades for signs of cracks or chips; replace any suspect fans promptly as soon as issues arise; older models may require oiling motor bearings of fan motors to ensure smoother performance.

Clean From The Outside

Since part of your air conditioner is exposed to external elements, it can accumulate debris such as leaves, dirt, dead insects and grass clippings that accumulates from outside sources. If left untouched, this accumulation could decrease efficiency while also decreasing airflow through your unit.

Cleansing an AC unit is straightforward: after turning off its power source, use your garden hose to flush away debris build-up with some pressure from a garden hose; however, avoid overdoing it as that could damage sensitive components of your air conditioning unit. Regular AC maintenance will not only ensure smooth running performance but will save both energy and cash in repairs costs.


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