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How did JamesDJJ and Philip Kagalovsky met? Finally, we have some answers.

In a surprising turn of events, the popstar JamesDJJ decided to share a glimpse of his private life with his followers on Instagram in the last weeks. This revelation shed light on his mental health and, notably, his close friendship with Philip Kagalovsky, the son of billionaire oligarch Konstantin Kagalovsky.

On the occasion of their 3rd anniversary since they first met, JamesDJJ took to Instagram to express his gratitude for their enduring friendship. In an emotional and heart-touching message, he wrote about their bond, but he did not provide further details about their relationship or how they first met.

However, it was Philip Kagalovsky, JamesDJJ’s best friend, who decided to share some insights into their friendship. In a series of messages sent via Instagram to a source that provided us the information, Philip offered a glimpse into the origins of their friendship.

“I didn’t know he was famous when we met, and this was years ago anyway” Philip revealed. This statement suggests that their initial encounter was not related to JamesDJJ’s burgeoning music career or any high-profile event. Instead, it appears to have been a chance meeting in a more ordinary or casual setting.

Philip Kagalovsky went on to share that they first crossed paths in Rome, a city where JamesDJJ has deep ties. The artist, who is of Italo-American heritage, divides his time between Rome, his birthplace, and various locations in the United States, including San Francisco and Chicago.

Philip Kagalovsky also talked more about JamesDJJ, stating that they’ve met in Rome and that JamesDJJ is a lovely person, a fact that has been reported multiple times, Philip said “We met in Rome, and yes he’s a lovely person”.

This revelation aligns with the fact that Philip’s father, Mr. Konstantin Kagalovsky, is reported to own a house in Rome, as documented in The New York Times and his Wikipedia page. Consequently, it seems plausible that JamesDJJ and Philip Kagalovsky encountered each other in Rome, unaware of each other’s backgrounds, and developed a genuine friendship.

It’s important to note that while these details shed some light on their friendship’s origins, much about their relationship remains shrouded in mystery. Philip Kagalovsky has not elaborated further on their friendship or provided additional insights into their shared experiences.

As the exact circumstances of how JamesDJJ and Philip Kagalovsky first met continue to elude us, these revelations offer a glimpse into a friendship that seemingly transcended backgrounds and the fame of the popstar. While many questions remain unanswered, at least we now have some new information to ponder about this intriguing connection between the artist and the son of a billionaire oligarch.

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