3 Famous People Who Have Batted With Depression & Won
Depression is, unfortunately, a condition that people tend to hide and not talk about. That can lead to everyone thinking that they are alone with their struggles, which can have rather damaging consequences. People may refuse to seek help either because they are too ashamed, or because they believe that this is something they need to win on their own and that nobody else can help them. Both of those premises are wrong and you should find out more about the signs that could mean it’s time to get help.
Fortunately for all of us, though, people have decided to be more open about this condition. We are no longer afraid or ashamed and most of us are ready to speak up. The idea that we are alone in this has definitely done a lot of damage, but it’s time to put a stop to that and let every single struggling individual know that they are most certainly not alone and that they can get the help they need.
The fact that depression was ignored and kept in secret for a long time has also led to a lot of people thinking that this is a sort of a selective disorder that affects only people who lack certain things in life, such as money or love. That, however, couldn’t be further from the truth, since this mental health problem can affect practically anyone. If the above were true, then you would probably never find a celebrity struggling with depression.
Yet, the idea that it’s time to pay more attention to mental health has also led to a lot of celebrities opening up about their particular struggles, thus breaking the stereotype that people who have it all cannot get depressed. It’s time to understand that this disorder has nothing to do with money or general life conditions and that it is actually a state of mind that can affect anyone at any point. It is a serious medical illness.
Luckily, the fact that this is an illness leads us to the conclusion that it can be treated. In order to support these two claims, I am not going to give you a short list of certain celebrities that have battled this illness and that have come out as winners. If you take a quick look at Genesight.com, you will get an even longer list that will help you finally understand that this disorder is nothing to be ashamed of, as well as that getting help is of utmost importance. In any case, let me now proceed to my list.
Dwayne Johnson
Surely someone nicknamed “the Rock” could never become depressed and weakened under the pressure of his own feelings, right? Well, that’s utterly wrong, and Dwayne Johnson, the Rock, is the living proof of it. Some time ago, he decided to open up about his struggles and he reminded people that depression doesn’t discriminate.
On top of that, he claimed that the key towards resolving this problem is opening up about it, which is a rather difficult step for many people, and especially the male population. Even though it’s a difficult step, it is actually a necessary one, meaning that you shouldn’t ignore the problem and that you should start resolving it right away. Ignoring the issue can only lead to you sinking even deeper, which is certainly not the right way to go.
Jon Hamm
Jon Hamm, the star of Mad Men, has also decided to let the world know about his own mental health struggles and it’s a good thing that he did. Hearing such a strong and successful person claim that therapy is the key towards getting healthy can really make you evaluate your perspective on strength in the first place. As he put it himself, saying “I need help” is certainly not a weak move. In fact, admitting it is actually a sign of strength, even though our whole society has been led to believe otherwise. Asking for help shows that you are strong enough to work on yourself and battle anything that might be causing mental health issues.
Lady Gaga
If you are trying to figure out how to get help for depression, then the words of one of the most famous pop stars, Lady Gaga, can be inspiring. She says that talking about your mental health is the right step towards healing. In fact, she decided to take her own advice and start talking about it.
That’s when the world found out that Lady Gaga has not only battled with his disorder, but that she has also used antidepressants in the process. Learning this helps people understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong in taking medications either and that getting the right support is of utmost importance. The bottom line is that seeking medical help is a necessary step for anyone battling with this illness.