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These boots are made for walking: Does Kim Kardashian hate Yeezy?

Is there anything that can keep Kim Kardashian from soaking up her ex’s beats? The answer, as she demonstrated at Pharrell Williams’ debut show for Louis Vuitton in the city of love, Paris, is a resounding ‘No’.

The reunion

Our favorite SKIMS founder, now 42, treated her Instagram followers to a series of videos on Tuesday. From capturing Jay-Z, 53, setting the stage on fire to showing off her own dance moves, Kim was nothing less than a dynamite at the fashion event. Not forgetting to document her friend, Tracy Romulus’ fun moments, Kardashian was the ultimate buzz-maker of the evening.

She also gave us a sneak peek into Jay-Z and Pharrell Williams’ 50th special “Frontin'” performance. And yes, we also got glimpses of the dazzling models strutting down the catwalk. A perfect treat for her followers!

We all know how much Kim K loves to make a fashion statement. And this event was no different. Dressed in Louis Vuitton’s Spring 2024 collection, Kardashian made heads turn in her digitized camouflage print. Teaming it up with an athletic-style bra top, leggings, and a unique, oversized furry fanny pack, she topped off the look with perspex-style high heels. No Yeezy boots in sight. A perfect blend of bold and chic, don’t you think?

And just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, Kim introduced us to the young style icon in the making. Her seven-year-old son, Saint, sported some flashy gold Louis Vuitton grillz. Quite the young fashionista, right? But where are the ‘Yeezy boots’?

The recollections

While Kim K made sure to live it up at the fashion show, there’s no denying the rollercoaster of emotions she’s been facing due to Kanye West’s recent erratic actions. The latest season of The Kardashians on Hulu gave us a deeper look into how Kardashian is dealing with this turbulence.

From text messages going public to heartbreaking moments shared with her mom, Kris Jenner, Kim has been weathering the storm with strength. She maintains a brave front, despite the tears and anxiety attacks. There’s a raw, visceral quality to her journey that strikes a chord with many.

Kim does a remarkable job of navigating these challenging waters for the sake of her kids. Even amidst the turmoil, she champions Kanye’s music because that’s what her kids want. But it’s not just for their sake; she’s also doing it for herself.

“It’s so different than the person that I married because that’s who I loved, and that’s who I remember … I’ll do anything to get that person back,” she revealed in a heartfelt moment on The Kardashians.

These emotional struggles are felt most acutely because of their four children: North, Saint, Chicago, and Psalm. As she told her sister, Khloé Kardashian, she doesn’t ever want to contribute to the downfall of their father, Kanye ‘Yeezy’ West, despite his tumultuous behavior.

Balancing act

Kim K’s journey isn’t just about heartache and struggle. It’s about strength, resilience, and the determination to protect her kids, all while managing her own pain. Khloé’s words of reassurance echo what many of us feel for Kim: she’s a good person going through a tough time, but she’s not alone.

So, as Kim K steps out in her Yeezy boots and takes on the world, one beat, one dance move, one fashion statement at a time, we can’t help but ask: What’s next for this powerhouse of a woman?


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