Can colloidal silver, honey, vitamin C help you cure coronavirus?
Like most viruses, there’s no true cure to get rid of Coronavirus if someone catches it. Only medications and remedies can alleviate symptoms until the infection goes away on its own. But with how new Coronavirus is to the world, people are turning to herbal remedies to find some kind of Coronavirus “cure”.
Since it’s hard to talk yourself into going to the doctor if you’re sick, because you don’t want to put anyone else at risk, you may want to take your treatment into your own hands. While we’re not suggesting you drink fish tank cleaner to get a dose of hydroxychloroquine, there are some things you have in your home that could help.
Immune system boost
While there’s no proof saying that an increase in your vitamin intake will prevent you from getting COVID-19, boosting your immune system never hurts even outside of a pandemic. Everyone and their mother knows the old wives tale of getting some vitamin C in you when you’re sick can help your body fight an infection.
Vitamin C, while not the only one, is one of the key vitamins in building a strong immune system. Obviously, you can get this through some good old fashion citrus or orange juice. But surprisingly, you’ll actually get more vitamin C digging into some bell peppers, broccoli, and kale than any citrus fruit. Stuffed peppers with broccoli rice anyone?
Of course, vitamin C is far from the only vitamin you need for a healthy immune system. Vitamin B6 helps your body produce antibodies, A helps maintain your system, E acts as an antioxidant, zinc helps your body fight off viruses and bacteria, and iron helps keep oxygen flowing in your blood properly.
Truthfully, as long as you’re eating a balanced, healthy diet, you should be getting enough of these vitamins naturally. If you’re a picky eater, then a multivitamin will satisfy to get you the vitamins you need to help your immune system function properly. Overdosing on these vitamins will do more harm than good.
Colloidal silver: the end-all be-all treatment?
Since ancient times, people swore by colloidal silver as the cure for basically any illness. Before the days of antibiotics, this is what you’d get from your doctor to cure you. While it hasn’t been an official treatment for a long time, it’s still being used in the world of modern medicine.
Wound closures, surgical needles, breathing tubes, catheters, and plenty other equipment incorporate colloidal silver into its make up thanks to pathogen killing powers to keep equipment sterile. So if we use it for our materials, why aren’t we using it as a treatment?
There’s not a whole lot out there that has proven silver to be a necessary element in the body to begin with, let alone as a “miracle Coronavirus cure”. In fact, if you take too much of it, you can end up with severe blue-grey discoloration of your skin that doesn’t go away even if you quit taking colloidal silver.
Plus, a lot of people don’t realize it has interactions with thyroid medications, tetracycline, penicillamine, as well as has the chance to cause seizures and kidney damage if taken in large quantities overtime. With little information on it proving its effectiveness towards Coronavirus, but dangerous side effects, it’s worth skipping colloidal silver.
Sweet, sweet honey
Any singer or vocal performer knows the healing benefits of honey on the throat. Parents have been giving honey to their young children for years for more traditional upper respiratory infections. So it’s no surprise that people are wondering if honey is helpful in treating Coronavirus.
You’re not alone. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Tantawy from Misr University is currently running a trial where Coronavirus patients get 1 gram of honey a day, broken up into 2 or 3 doses, over a 14 day period. He started this trial on March 26th, so we’ll know by the beginning of next month if honey is helpful or not.
High quality honey is great at helping your body get more antioxidants, but it’s also stupidly high in sugar. While a more natural sugar, diabetics should not rely on this method unless you want to deal with sugar spikes. However, if you have high blood pressure or cholesterol, you’ll get an extra healing bonus.
The antioxidants in honey have been proven to help lower blood pressure along with proper diet and exercise. Honey also has the ability to lower LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, as well as help lower triglycerides since it’s a healthier sugar than cane sugar. Even if you don’t have Corona, a dose of honey a day could help you in the long run.
No true cure
The biggest takeaway is that there is no Coronavirus cure. Like any other virus, it has to run its course. But these natural remedies may be able to make that course a little shorter and less painful. However, you should always consult a doctor before adding any natural supplements into your routine.
If you do end up with Coronavirus, the most important things you can do are increase your fluid intake, quarantine in your home until it’s been 7 days without symptoms (specifically in one room of your house if you’re not alone), and call emergency services if you develop severe shortness of breath.
For those of us in good health, we can do our part to prevent the spread by staying indoors unless it’s absolutely necessary to leave, washing our hands with soap and water, and social distancing if we do have to go out. We may not have a cure, but we have the answer on how to stop the spread.