Conscience and Verse: Morgan Christie’s Call to Justice in Boolean Logic
The literary world relies on the multitude of talented storytellers out there, each lending their one-of-a-kind voice and genre mosaic of creative expression. One profoundly impactful form used by authors to unpack their distinct histories is the autobiographical essay. Unlike fiction, these intimate nonfiction works rely solely on personal recollection, with writers drawing from self-reflective memories and experiences to create engaging autobiographical stories told in their own voices. For those with powerful stories waiting to be told, it offers a poignant creative conduit.
This November, Morgan Christie is openly sharing her timely story with the world through Boolean Logic – a collection of 12 autobiographical essays. Beyond exploring the topics of politics and sports, these essays also dissect Christie’s searing encounters with racism, gender inequality, discrimination, and injustice throughout her life’s journey. From childhood memories unearthed in “Paper Guns” and “The Aphids” to reflections of racism and gender inequality in “Sewing Dresses” and “Tapestries,” each piece dives into the moments that shaped her perspective and character.
Through pieces like “Sewing Dresses,” Christie works through the relentless tides of chauvinism and subjugation she faced as a girl daring to make her mark in athletics. “That Bridgerton Line” offers a window into racial profiling and police brutality within her community. Throughout Boolean Logic, Christie offers enlightening insights, exploring impactful moments involving her father, relatives, friends, coaches, and broader community.
While intensely personal, these stories contain universal resonances. Christie’s rich descriptiveness subtly links back to larger social issues, gradually illuminating how inequality and bias have impacted her life. By bravely publishing these essays, Christie discovers her purpose, leveraging her platform to lift up overlooked stories and motivate collective action.
The meticulous care Christie takes crafting each essay within Boolean Logic provides a powerful masterclass for readers on navigating struggle, cultivating growth, and embracing resilience. By courageously opening up about deeply personal lived experiences, Christie shows how sharing our stories, in all their complex humanity, can forge profound connections across divides while fanning the flames of activism. The empathy, wisdom, and call to action within these pages will undoubtedly reverberate in readers’ hearts and minds long after turning the final page.
At its core, Christie’s autobiographical essay collection sends a powerful reminder that our stories significantly matter. Boolean Logic establishes Morgan Christie as an essential literary light and voice of her generation. Christie’s talent and tenacity alike shine through in these pages, proving her commitment to truth can shake even the sturdiest pillars of inequity.
Author’s Website: www.morganchristiewrites.com
Nbc/Wxii interview: Triad author Morgan Christie talks new book releasing November 14