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6 Awesome Anniversary Gift Ideas To Impress Your Partner

Gift-giving is a unique love language among lovers, family and friends. Whatever the present is, it may be a love card, a teddy, you can make picture puzzles or even a bouquet of beautiful flowers. As long as the gift is from someone you love, it will always warm your heart and place a bright smile on your face.  

However, getting the perfect gift can be one daunting task you might almost want to give up on. Especially when you are fading up by the ever-rising circle of cliche presents that easily pop into your head when you think of gifts. 

Don’t get it wrong. Cliche gifts are well-meaning. But such gifts are often overused and boring, which is why you should apply the rules of gift-giving, one of which is to think like the receiver.

While anticipating the day of your anniversary, many gift ideas might begin to get confusing and overwhelming. But here’s the deal, try getting a gift that stands out, something alluring, a gift that would leave a lasting memory.

The list is endless, but if you do not want to follow the traditional anniversary list, you need not worry; this article will guide you towards getting that unique gift for your partner on your anniversary. The kind that would match your partner’s personality, impress them and make it memorable.

Unique Gifts Ideas To Impress Your Partner

Below are a few gift ideas to impress your partner on your anniversary:

1. Personalized Puzzles

Puzzles are an amazing gift to try out. Instead of giving your partner a gift that would clutter their space and be useless to them in the long run, why not cut down for something simple yet unique? 

You could even create your own puzzle with photos which will serve as both a game and a thing of art. If they are the kind who easily gets worked up or frustrated by work. You can create your own puzzle and gift it to them or make it a personalized puzzle using their picture so that when they’re stressed over work, they could divert their attention to it, which would help ease their stress.

2. Anniversary Mugs

There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting your favourite picture of your partner and getting it embedded in a mug. Especially if they love coffee or tea, each time they get to drink from it, seeing that picture on the cup will always remind them of you. Perfect, isn’t it?

3. Photo Frame And Album

This is one very simple and less expensive gift. You can never go wrong with a photo album. Putting your photos together in chronological order of events makes it even better.  From the day you both met to the most recent happening in your life. You can also attach a note at the end of the photo album.

4. Customized Jewelry

Many couples prefer this gift the most. Getting your name or your partner’s name engraved in a jewelry set is one unique way to wow them.   

You can get a simple bracelet or a necklace with your initials on it, and gift it to them. Or even a locket with your pictures inside of it. The list goes on and on, on what you can do with jewelry.

5. Wall Rug With His/her Picture And Customized Throw Pillows 

Decorating their home or an item in their home with pictures is an awesome idea.

Here’s why, you can easily get a throw pillow with your pictures on it to decorate your bed. Or a wall rug. These items serve as both a gift and an interior decoration as well. It would also last for a very long time.

6. A Love Letter 

As simple as you want it to be, you can write a romantic letter or a short romance story about them and prepare a date for the both of you while you read it to them. Remember, a gift doesn’t always have to be an item.

Things You Should Consider When Getting An Anniversary Gift

  • Budget: 

Finance is the bedrock of every gift idea you might have. Now, let’s be realistic. No partner would want you to go bankrupt to impress them. As a matter of fact, many would prefer the little you give to them than a million more which you’d have to get a loan for. 

To this effect, you must set aside a stipulated amount which you’re willing to invest in getting your partner an anniversary gift. 

  • Effort: 

No matter how strenuous picking gifts can be, what makes a gift special is the effort you put into it. The effort shows how much your partner means to you. 

As so many couples do, you can take your time to craft a gift for your partner with your own hands. With every second you invest in making these gifts, you put in all your love. 

You could crochet a sweatshirt for your partner and watch it become their favorite clothing, you could make a heart-shaped wall rug with your partner’s picture or even make picture puzzles that would combine most of the memories you both share. 

But here’s the kicker, as long as you take your time out to create a gift for them, they will treasure it for as long as they live.

  • Personality: 

Understanding your partner’s likes, dislikes and hobbies is a major thing to consider while getting them a gift. For example, if your partner is the type that loves games that test their knowledge such as Scrabble and Puzzles, you can create your own puzzle and make it a game for both of you.

You might be wondering how a puzzle could serve as an anniversary present. Here’s how, If you create a puzzle containing memorable pictures of you and your partner, while trying to fix them you make picture puzzles that take you down memory lane.

You both may find yourselves laughing or even shedding happy tears while you play. It will also increase the bond and flames of love between both of you.

  • Previous gifts: 

One key thing to consider while getting presents is the previous gifts and your partner’s reaction when you got them. Look through the range of gifts you’ve given them and try to recall their reaction towards each present.

Were they overly excited? Did they complain about already having a replica? Did they get tired of the gift in a hurry? Ask yourself these questions to avoid the mistake of getting them a present you’ve given them in the past or something they would not like.

For instance, if you gave your partner a wristwatch two years ago, and last year you got them a T-shirt, you will notice a clear difference in their reaction and a better understanding of their preferences.

  • Personalized gifts: 

Do not forget that an anniversary is about your partner, it’s about showing them how special they are to you. Therefore, put into consideration customizing a gift for them. 

You can never go wrong with portraits and monograms. If they’re into astrological signs, you could get elegant platters with their zodiac signs engraved in brass. 

  • Needs and Desire: 

Sometimes, we overlook some comments made by our partners. These comments might be about something they would love to own. It would mean much more to them if you got that item for them than any overly expensive item.

For a partner who loves sneakers, if you notice that his collections are either out of fashion or worn out, gifting him a new pair is not a bad idea at all. To top it off, you could also get a matching pair. But ensure that you do not make the gift about you. Make it about them and how dear they are to you.

Get A Unique Gift This Year

Anniversary presents come in different forms and styles. However, it all boils down to your partner’s preference and how you want to express how much they mean to you. It’s about time you quit getting cliche gifts and try something unique for your next anniversary.

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