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Hydroponic Supplies

10 Must-Have Hydroponic Supplies Available at Our Hydro Store

Are you ready to take your hydroponic gardening game to the next level? Look no further, because we’ve got you covered with our top 10 must-have hydroponic supplies available at our Hydro Store! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, these essential tools and products will help maximize your yields and ensure healthy plant growth. From high-quality nutrient solutions to cutting-edge lighting systems, we’ve got everything you need under one roof. So get ready to dive into the world of hydroponics like never before – let’s go shopping!

Introduction to Hydroponics

If you’re thinking about getting into hydroponics, you’ll need to stock up on supplies. Fortunately, our hydro store has everything you need to get started. In this section, we’ll introduce you to the basics of hydroponics and the must-have supplies that are available at our store.

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in water without soil. The plants are supported by a grow medium, such as gravel or coco peat, and their roots are constantly bathed in nutrient-rich water. This type of growing system is ideal for those who want to achieve faster growth rates and bigger yields.

To get started with hydroponics, you’ll need the following supplies:

  1. Grow Medium: This is what supports the plant’s roots. Popular choices include coco peat, gravel, and perlite.
  2. Nutrient Solution: This is what feeds the plants. It’s made up of mineral salts that are dissolved in water.

3 . Delivery System: This is how you deliver the nutrient solution to the plants. Common systems include drip irrigation, ebb and flow (flood and drain), or NFT (nutrient film technique).

4 . Lighting: Plants need light for photosynthesis. If you’re growing indoors, you’ll need artificial lighting such as fluorescent tubes or LED grow lights.

5 . Ventilation: Good ventilation is important for preventing problems such as mold or mild

Benefits of Hydroponics

Hydroponic gardening is a great way to grow plants without using soil. The hydroponic supplies available at our Hydro Shop can help you get started with this type of gardening.Hydroponics has many benefits over traditional gardening methods. One of the biggest benefits is that it uses less water than soil-based gardening. This is because the roots of the plants are constantly being moistened with water, so there is no need to water as often. Additionally, hydroponics eliminates the need for weeding, as the plants are grown in a contained system. This can save you time and effort in your garden.

10 Must-Have Supplies for a Hydroponic System

It is important to have the right supplies on hand when setting up a hydroponic system. The most important supplies include:

-Grow lights: These are necessary to provide the plants with the light they need to grow.

-Nutrients: Nutrients are added to the water to provide the plants with the minerals they need to grow.

-pH test kit: This is used to test the acidity or alkalinity of the water, which needs to be in a range that is suitable for plants.

-Timer: A timer is necessary to turn the lights on and off at set intervals.

Nutrient Solution

A healthy plant requires the right amount of nutrients, and a hydroponic system is an efficient way to deliver those nutrients. A nutrient solution is a mixture of water and nutrients that your plants will absorb through their roots.

There are many different types of nutrient solutions available, and the best one for your plants will depend on the type of plants you are growing and the stage of growth they are in. Some nutrient solutions are designed for specific types of plants, while others can be used for a variety of plants.

To choose the right nutrient solution for your plants, it is important to understand the difference between macro- and micro-nutrients. Macro-nutrients are required in large quantities and include things like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Micro-nutrients are required in small quantities and include things like iron, magnesium, and calcium.

Most commercial nutrient solutions contain both macro- and micro-nutrients, but it is important to read the label to make sure that the solution you select has everything your plants need. You can also purchase separate solutions for each type of nutrient if you prefer.

Once you have selected the right nutrient solution for your plants, you will need to mix it according to the instructions on the label. It is important to not add too much or too little of any one element, as this can harm your plants. Once mixed, the solution should be aerated using an air pump to ensure that the roots get enough oxygen.

Grow Media

There are a few different types of grow media that can be used in hydroponic systems, and the best one for your setup will depend on the plants you’re growing and the space you have available. The most common type of grow media is rockwool, which is made from spun basalt rock. It’s lightweight and easy to handle, making it a good option for smaller setups. For larger setups, perlite or clay pellets are often used. These types of media provide more space for roots to spread out, allowing them to access more oxygen and nutrients.


There are many different types of pumps available on the market today, each designed for a specific purpose. Choosing the right pump is critical to the success of your hydroponic system, so it’s important to do your research before making a purchase.

The most common type of pump used in hydroponic systems is the submersible pump. These pumps are designed to be placed directly into the water reservoir and can be used to circulate water or provide oxygen to the roots of your plants. Submersible pumps are available in a variety of sizes and flow rates, so it’s important to choose one that is appropriate for your needs.

Another type of pump commonly used in hydroponics is the air pump. Air pumps are typically used to aerate the water in the reservoir and provide oxygen to the roots of your plants. Air pumps are available in both electric and battery-operated models, so you’ll need to choose one that is compatible with your system.

You may also need a sump pump if you’re using a deep water culture (DWC) system. Sump pumps are used to circulate water from the bottom of the DWC tank up to the top where it can then be recirculated back down again. Sump pumps are available in both electric and battery-operated models, so you’ll need again to choose one that is compatible with your system.


If you’re just getting started in the world of hydroponics, you might be wondering what kind of supplies you need to get started. Well, wonder no more! Here is a list of must-have hydroponic supplies available at our hydro store:

  1. Lights – Of course, you’ll need some lights to grow your plants! We carry a wide variety of lights, including LED grow lights, fluorescent grow lights, and HID grow lights.
  2. Pumps – You’ll need a pump to circulate the nutrient solution throughout your system. We carry a variety of pumps, including submersible pumps and inline pumps.
  3. Grow Media – This is what your plants will grow in. We carry a variety of grow media, including coco coir, rockwool, vermiculite, and perlite.
  4. Nutrient Solution – This is what will feed your plants. We carry a variety of nutrient solutions, including General Hydroponics Flora Series and Advanced Nutrients Bloom Booster.
  5. pH Test Kit – You’ll need this to test the pH of your nutrient solution and make sure it’s in the proper range for your plants.
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