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What are Common Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Artificial Grass

Installing artificial grass comes with a lot of considerations. Not only do you have to focus on the quality of the turf you are buying, but it is vital to avoid making common mistakes too. This is especially important if you are installing the turf yourself.

Once you get a list of the best “turf suppliers near me,” the next thing that you need to do is familiarize yourself with the common mistakes so you don’t make them during the installation process.

In this guide, we will take a look at the list of all the common mistakes that you need to avoid when installing artificial grass.

Not even out the base surface

Have you ever come across artificial turf that looks and feels weird to walk on? If yes, it’s primarily due to the unevenness of the soil over which you have installed the turf. This is why planning and prepping the soil before the actual installation is a must.

The last thing that you want is for the grass to look elevated in places and have an uncomfortable feel to it. Minor imperfections are common and expected but you don’t want to laze through the process.

Lack of water drainage

Drainage is quintessential when you have installed artificial grass. It isn’t an option but a sheer necessity that determines the quality and longevity of the turf. So, if you haven’t prioritized proper drainage, it will lead to pools of water remaining stagnant in particular spots on the turf.

Not only does it make the turf quality degrade over time, but it also leads to a lot of inconvenience and risks with people slipping and falling. The tip to avoid this is by ensuring the base is deep and has cut stone installed so there are no issues with the water drainage.

No weed barrier

Although artificial grass will not be similar to actual grass, the problem of weed growth is universal and standard. You can’t brush it to the side and hope for the best. When you are installing the artificial turf, it is mandatory that you also install a weed barrier around it.

What this does is prevent weed outgrowth around the turf and sometimes underneath the turf too. This might not seem very significant but having a good-quality weed barrier is a must when you are installing artificial turf.

Not securing the edges

The edges of the artificial turf can pose a lot of risk if they aren’t trimmed and cleaned well. So, when it comes to installing artificial turf, it is mandatory that you not only secure the edges but also lay it down securely so that the adhesive doesn’t tear off.

Sometimes, uneven joints not only look crooked, it also makes the whole project look very amateur instead of looking clean and polished.

These include all the common mistakes that you need to avoid when you are installing artificial turf either in your front or back yard. Some of these tips are common sense but a few of these factors are often overlooked, which lead to recurring maintenance and damage.

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