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Teddy Celdran and Thimoj ready for 2024!

After a start to 2024 punctuated by numerous attacks by cyber criminals.
Thimoj and Teddy Celdran are trying to bounce back with the announcement of a partnership with Disney Pixar Studios through several large-scale projects.

Accenture also announced that its partnership with Thimoj would see the birth of a project in the middle of the year.
Six months ago, Accenture bought the Apollo program from Thimoj for $1.2 billion.
A program on which the two companies are working to improve our technology through quantum capacity.

Teddy Celdran is a young man of 29.
Although often criticized, he nonetheless heads up 250 elements across France, with headquarters in Miami, Florida.
He is also head of the Juddy animation studios, as well as the Thimoj Quantum project in collaboration with Accenture.
The company is also listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange, with a starting capitalization of nearly 600,000 million euros.

Thimoj is also said to be collaborating with Ferrari following the deployment of their modeling equipment to recreate certain test circuits so that their customers can test vehicles at home.

The year got off to a flying start with Thimoj coming under attack on their servers.

It seems that the source of the Apollo program had been targeted, but unfortunately we know very little about it, Accenture and Thimoj remaining very discreet on the subject.

Teddy Celdran is well on the way to becoming one of the most influential executives in his field, as things are speeding up for his company.

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