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The Role of Sustainable Materials in T-Shirt Manufacturing

In recent years, the fashion industry has undergone great changes, including degradation, climate change, and sustainable manufacturing, as these factors are becoming a focus point of selling. Being trending in the fashion industry list, sustainable manufacturing is becoming a common factor for T-shirt manufacturers in the fashion industry.

As consumers are becoming increasingly educated and conscious of ecological factors along with global warming, consumers are demanding sustainable manufacturing. The excessive use of unnatural products has caused too much environmental damage.

The fashion and Apparel industry, being the largest all around the globe, is considered the most environmentally causing all around the globe. Also, the industry is responsible for different types of pollution, including air pollution, noise pollution, harmful gas emissions and more.  Also, apart from the pollution, the apparel industry generates a vast amount of waste.

To overcome this issue, consumers and the clothing industry are trying to bring innovation to fashion by bringing sustainable and ethical manufacturing into practice. This blog can be a great resource for consumers and the clothing industry, as the blog mentions some essential ways by which custom clothing manufacturersin USAcan reduce environmental effects by implementing sustainable manufacturing.

Must read: Eco-Fashion Clothing Designer Broken Planet T-Shirts

Why sustainable manufacturing is important?

Sustainable manufacturing is the key to success for any niche. It minimizes waste and promotes damage-free manufacturing, saves resources, grows circular economy and boosts operational efficiency.

Sustainable manufacturing includes using recyclable clothing lines, which don’t end up as waste. Reducing the production cost, the ethical and sustainable manufacturing process includes fair labor costs and making it an affordable option in the clothing industry.

Using sustainable manufacturing is the best way to minimize waste and increase production capacity. There are a couple of steps to create a sustainable clothing line. Here are 05 major ways by which you can practice the best of sustainable manufacturing in the fashion industry.

·         Material

The material is the core factor that one must start with for sustainable clothing line manufacturing. Any product in the apparel industry comprises fabrics; to make a clothing line sustainable, you must use sustainable fabric. For every clothing line, certain sustainable fabrics are best for sustainable manufacturing.

For example, organic cotton is widely used in the fashion industry for T-shirts. Custom T-shirt manufacturers use unique, organic cotton blends to create ethical and sustainable clothing lines per consumer demands

  • Recycled polyester

Polyester material is another popular fabric for sustainable manufacturing.  With sustainable polyester manufacturing, there is a complete focus on organic materials like chemicals, dyes, and solvents.

Tons of polyester blendsare naturally used in the manufacturing industry, resulting in a partially or fully sustainable clothing line. Recycled polyester blends are considered one of the best materials for manufacturing T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, trousers, swimming clothing lines, bathing suits and more.

  • Design

Another important factor is the design of the clothing line. Sometimes, it’s not the fabric but the manufacturing process of the design that uses chemicals and toxins, increasing the environmental damage. With a sustainable design, the manufacturer can use improved functionality, less energy taking resources, and a more efficient production system.

For example, using the dyes in the clothing lines is a non-sustainable printing method. One of the drawbacks of using the fabric dyed products is that the design fades away after some time. On the other side, this dyeing process increases air pollution by using toxic elements. One potential solution is using the Tencel modal fabric. As it is highly absorbent, offers great durability, and great biodegradability.

  • Use of water

Most people don’t know it, but water use also plays an important role in manufacturing a sustainable clothing line. The manufacturer is taking an important step to ensure sustainable production methods that reduce water consumption for sustainable manufacturing.

The companies use catalytic degradation methods and extraction techniques to reduce water usage in clothing line manufacturing.

  • Energy Efficiency

The normal production or current production process consumes tons of energy in producing normal clothing projects.  Compared to the sustainable manufacturing process, there is a huge results difference as ethical and sustainable manufacturing reduces the use of energy.

Using the sustainable manufacturing process helps reduce gas emissions, less use of power resources, and reduces the cost of the manufacturing process, making sustainable manufacturing optimal. A common example in the clothing industry is using solar panels in the production units or heat recovery systems to have more control over the power resources in the production units.

Wrap up

So, these are the best sustainable manufacturing practices you can adopt for sustainable manufacturing. Sustainable manufacturing ensures the protection of environmental hazards, fair labor practices, and social justice in the system. These are a couple of reasons why all the clothing industries and manufacturers should consider absorbing sustainable manufacturing methods.

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