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When Should You Start Preparing for the SAT

A change from school to college is a huge step. It is the start of a new journey. It is the deciding factor that will influence the future course of your life. That is why it needs a lot of preparation. 

You need to begin preparation at the right time. SAT or Scholastic Assessment Test is an entrance exam that is designed to test the students’ verbal and quantitative skills. One’s SAT score plays a huge role in deciding which college they will get admission into. 

Although it is not the sole factor, it is one of the many things that build up your portfolio. Thus it should not be taken lightly. 

It might be intimidating to take the SAT. After all, it is the first important exam of your life. School keeps us in a bubble. It protects us a lot. That is why going out of the school boundaries and taking the SAT test might be scary for you. 

But the right kind of preparation will give you a lot of confidence. It will empower you to take the test with a calm mind. And it is well known that a calm mind produces better results. 

So, the key is to start the preparation at the right time. Since SAT is based on testing one’s verbal and quantitative skills, it is obvious that last-minute mugging won’t help. 

A proper planned course of action is required here—a schedule, time division between subjects, etc. But when is the right time to take the SAT? 

Well, ideally, the SAT should be taken twice. Once in the junior year and the second time in the senior year. This helps you in understanding the ropes of the test. So, your preparation should begin from your junior year itself. 

SAT grades you on the basis of your learnings to date. It is nothing more than what you’ve learned up until now. It checks the foundations of your education and whether you’re prepared to take more advanced-level courses at college. 

SAT scores will help you get to the college of your dreams. Good colleges have high competition. And hence, top SAT scores get the best seats. 

So, to tackle competition, you need to gear up from the start. The starting or middle of the junior year is a good time to begin your prep. The more you shift your focus to college admissions during this time, the better it is for you. 

This is because last-minute mugging will not help you even a bit in clearing SAT. You need to solve SAT practice test papers every day. Both the sections- verbal and quantitative are practice-based. The only key to getting good marks here is to practice. 

Get ample worksheets. Although the test you give in junior year is just a mock test, it will help you understand where you stand. This will not only affect your confidence but will also point out the lagging topics that need extra practice. 

This approach gives you a headstart. If you get to know late that you are behind in your preparation, there won’t be much that you’ll be able to do. That is why make sure that you earn this benefit by starting to prepare early. 

In the end, this is not just another exam. A lot of things are at stake for you here. So act wisely. Take time out from your everyday schedule. It will help you get better slowly but consistently. 

By spreading out your prep over the years, you will also not get overworked. Many students, despite their potential, fail to score well. This is because an exam is more than what you’ve studied. It is a lot about the mental state as well. That is why you need a clear mind to ace an exam. 

The key to success is not just hard work. It lies in the balance of hard and smart work. With this combination, every exam is just another challenge. The right time to begin preparation is, thus, as early as possible. 

A headstart in matters of college admission is always the best thing you can do for yourself. 

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