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Rapid tooling and medical device prototyping have been used throughout the years to develop various hardware in health-related industries. Here's why.

Industries that Benefit from Rapid Tooling and Medical Device Prototyping

Rapid tooling and medical device prototyping have been used throughout the years to develop various hardware in health-related industries. WIth the fast prototyping speed and the possibility to create various prototype iterations at the same time, the rapid tooling and medical device prototyping methods are preferred by healthcare service providers as the go-to prototyping tools for their soon-to-be-released medical devices.

Here’s the list of industries that benefit from rapid tooling and medical device prototyping:

  • Dental Industry

The dental industry sees the most benefits from rapid tooling and medical device prototyping, such as in the creation of tooth implants and other dental-related tools. The use of rapid tooling in dentistry will be even more cost-effective and time-efficient, as you can create fast prototypes for various medical tools needed by the dentist, which will need to be set to follow the needs of the patients.

For instance, dental implants will require the dentists to provide different tooth implant shapes based on the patient’s original tooth shapes, meaning that each implant needs to be highly customizable. To do this with the best efficiency, the dentists need to use rapid tooling and medical device prototyping to provide the most accurate implants for the patients as fast and as affordable as possible.

  • General Healthcare Industry

The general healthcare industry also sees a lot of benefits from rapid tooling and medical device prototyping, and there’s a wide scope of applications of rapid tooling in the general healthcare industry. 

Rapid tooling is a manufacturing method often used by healthcare service providers to create a new medical device and ensure that the device works as intended before distributing it to the general population. Rapid tooling and medical device prototyping offer the ease of testing and quality control to help healthcare service providers fix and improve their new medical device prototypes before mass production.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry

There are various uses of rapid tooling in the pharmaceutical industry, such as when you need to manufacture various drugs and medicines in various shapes and sizes. 

Not only that, with rapid tooling, you can also make various iterations of the molds for the tablets and pills, effectively creating various versions of the medicines depending on their uses. You can also use medical device prototyping in the pharmaceutical industry to create various devices that will help in the manufacture of drugs and other medicines.

  • Prosthetics Industry

The field of prosthetics helps healthcare facilities replace certain body parts that their patients have lost due to various causes, such as accidents, birth defects, and other causes. Creating specific body part replacements using the cutting edge technology in the prosthetic field requires the use of rapid tooling and medical device prototyping. 

You need to create different prototype versions for the body part replacements, such as limbs, feet, and jaws. Then, you will need to test these body part replacements on the patients, adjust them, and fix any issues you encounter when using them. It can only be done in the best way by using the rapid tooling and rapid prototyping process, which allows you to create various iterations of your prototype body parts fast.

  • Medical Robotics Industry

Nowadays, the medical industry uses robotics to help them perform various medical actions that will help their patients to get better. The technology behind the robotics in the medical industry is quite high-end, and to produce the devices to operate them, you will need plenty of preparation and testing.

Rapid tooling helps produce various medical device prototypes used in the medical robotics field. It allows medical facilities to test new robotics systems in their medical operations before they deploy the new system to the public. Medical device prototyping also plays an important role in the overall medical robotics field, as this system is needed to test and quality check various medical robotics devices before deployment.

  • Surgical Industry

To help healthcare professionals achieve the best result in their surgical operations, they will need to use various medical devices or tools to ensure the success of their surgical operations. 

For instance, for the jaw restoration surgery, healthcare professionals need replacement jaws to get implanted to the patient’s jaw area. They will need to produce the prototypes for these jaw replacements, and the best way to do that is by using rapid tooling and medical device prototyping.

  • Medical Kit Suppliers

We need medical kits to treat various medical conditions in our daily life, and the medical kit suppliers are the ones that also take advantage of rapid tooling and medical device prototyping a lot. Without rapid tooling and medical device prototyping, the suppliers of medical kits won’t be able to produce the medical kits they need to treat urgent medical conditions, such as virus spread, bacterial infections, and so on.

They need rapid tooling and medical device prototyping to create fast prototypes for their medical kits and fix any issues fast before they distribute the medical kits to the public. 

  • Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

Rapid tooling is also used in hospitals and healthcare facilities, mainly to produce medical prototypes that they can test on real patients for the first time. Medical device manufacturers need to send the first iteration of their prototypes to various healthcare facilities and hospitals to find out whether their devices work well on real patients.

Any issues will be fixed according to the feedback sent by the patients that use the prototypes to treat their health conditions. Meanwhile, healthcare professionals will also keep track of the prototype’s functions and monitor their uses on the patients.


Rapid tooling and medical device prototyping have long become the manufacturing method of choice when it comes to creating various cutting-edge medical devices. Without this fast-paced manufacturing method, the healthcare industry can’t meet the increasingly high demands of various medical products that target a wide range of audience.

TEAM Rapid is a Hong Kong-based prototyping company that offers the trusted and reliable rapid tooling and medical device prototyping services that cover a wide range of health-related industries. Get the latest information on our manufacturing services by contacting us today!

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