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My God climbs the charts

ONY’s Odyssey: From Devotional Melodies to Chart-Topping Gospel

Onyinyechi Okenwa is  popularly referred to as ONY which is just the first three letters of her name.

“I was raised in a loving Christian home. My mother doted on us and showed us so much love. She taught us to do everyday devotion morning and night which would involve a lot of singing. Everyone in the house would raise their own songs. Sometimes you were told how many songs to sing, sometimes you raised your song without being asked. Our neighbors knew our family for these devotions.Sometimes we got so loud that our neighbors would join us. There were several times our neighbors will run to my mother to pray for their children.”

Ony as she is popularly called is known for her dedication and love for people. She is also equally loved, favored and constantly positive, refusing to let negative people deter her. Ony easily lights up a room with her love, genuineness and audacity.

Currently her song Only My God has been on the chart since 9/2/2023 for five weeks-

On the week of 9/2/2023 Only My God was 16 on Global Gospel Chart, on the week of 9/9/23 only My God was 17, on the week of 9/16/23 only My God was 18, and on this last week of 9/23/23 Only My God jumped up to 13 on the Gospel chart.

All the best Ony!

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