Mortgage Lender Services – What They Can Offer You
Non-bank mortgage lenders have been cropping up in recent years, with online mortgage lending services providing alternative lending options to consumers. There are many benefits to going with a non-bank lender, as they can improve your overall experience of getting a mortgage for your home. Online mortgage services can help both individuals looking for a mortgage and borrowers who want a competitively priced loan. However, you need to go through different services to get the best interest rate on your loan. Take a look at some common services offered by these online mortgage services.
Adjustable-Rate Mortgage
This type of mortgage is best suited for people whose needs change quite often. For example, if you are the owner of a small business, which may turn over a lot of money, you can use an adjustable-rate mortgage. Then, if your income increases significantly in the future, you can adjust your payment accordingly by simply adjusting your rate. This is a good option if you have a high probability of growing in the future and if the interest rate has not increased to reflect this possibility.
Interest-Only Mortgage
By opting for an interest-only mortgage, you will be able to lower your monthly payment amount from the level set initially by your lender. This type of mortgage will be suitable for people who want to minimize the burden of their mortgage payments in the initial few years. In addition, you can visit Alan Brinsfield – Homespire Mortgage for best-in-class mortgage loan services.
Bi-Weekly Mortgage
A bi-weekly mortgage can help you lower your monthly payment to half by skipping one out of every two months as your payment. This type of loan is best suited for people who can pay their bills on time every month. The best part about a bi-weekly mortgage is that you have no prepayment penalty, but you need to be clear about it before signing the contract with an online mortgage service.
Veteran Administration Mortgage
If you are related to a person who has served in the army, this mortgage can be the best choice for you. The Veteran Administration loans are open to all former and current armed forces members. This loan is well suited for people who cannot have a traditional mortgage due to various reasons. People who have served in the army or navy personnel will benefit from this kind of loan if they wish to buy a new home or refinance their old one.
FHA Loan
The Federal Housing Administration Loans are a quite popular type of mortgage. These loans require a down payment and a small charge, which the lender immediately pays. The interest rate on these loans is usually a bit higher than the interest rates you would get from non-bank lenders. Repayment of an FHA loan will not begin until six months after receiving the initial loan amount or one year after closing if there is no closing date.
A professional mortgage loan service will help you amortize your loan faster and take advantage of market rates in all phases of the lending process. In addition, you will be required to pay down your principal with regular payments, which helps you save money on interest charges.