Experiencing Low Water Pressure Problem In Your Home? Some Possible Causes And Solutions
We’re all used to the endless water supply from our home faucets. But, if your water pressure is low, you need to watch out for some potential causes and solutions. So, the first thing you should do is inspect your drain hose before anything else.
If you notice any blockages or a lot of dirt and debris in the drain hose, the problem will be solved right there! But you can always solve this problem by hiring professional plumbers. However, several reasons could reduce the water pressure in your household.
Possible Causes of Low Water Pressure
If you’re experiencing trouble with the water pressure in your home, one of these three problems likely is to blame:
- Old, Soft, or Dirty Drains
If you feel your water pressure is low because of old, soft, or clean drain lines, there’s no need to worry about this. You can call plumbing contractors in Georgia to replace your drain lines and fix the problem at the root.
- Flat Washers in Faucet Hoses
One of the causes of low water pressure might be a leaky faucet hose, which can be solved by replacing all washers with new ones. If this doesn’t work, you should replace all parts of the faucet (springs/valves), one by one, to see whether they are also leaking.
- Water-Saving Faucets
If you’ve replaced washers or the faucet itself and there is still no improvement in your water pressure, the problem might be a combination of several factors. The first one on your list should be a water-saving faucet, which can result in lower water pressure.
- Low Flow Toilets
The same goes for low-flow toilets. In addition, if you have recently installed a new water heater, this could also result in low water pressure.
While each problem has its solutions, it’s always best to consult professional plumbers to take care of the problem.
Tips to Fix This Problem
To be able to solve this problem, you will need to know whether one or more of these factors cause it. Then, you will also need to know how to install a new faucet and replace washers on the old ones. Here are some tips that can help you restore the pressure of water in your home:
- Fixing old and dirty drains
- Fixing low-water washers
- Replacing faucet hoses
- Replacing toilets
To end low water pressure in your home, you will have to get rid of old and soft lines. The best way to do this is by replacing all of the drainpipes, one by one, with new ones installed. If these new pipes are also old or dirty, you should flush out their lines. This is one of the most important things you can do to solve the problem.
Aside from that, if you’ve replaced washers and the faucet itself and there is still no improvement in your water pressure, the problem might be a combination of several factors. The easiest solution to solving low water pressure in your home is calling a professional plumber.