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Getting ready for your next big gathering? Take notes as these handy tips guide you on how to shine as an event host with any crowd!

How to Shine as An Event Host

There are few things as satisfying and fulfilling as putting on the perfect event or playing a key role in making one successful. Events can happen for so many different reasons. Everything from celebrating milestones and anniversaries, to championing noble causes for non-profits, to just having fun and having the party of a lifetime. The unique role that an event host has in all of these is being a cohesive glue that pulls the entire event together.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that an event host is one of the most important and dynamic aspects of any event. A great event host can help make up for areas of an event that might be a little weak or lacking, and create something truly special and even eternal out of an event. An event host that either isn’t paired to the right event or maybe lacks the right kind of experience can adversely bring down an event in noticeable ways.

No matter how you look at it, being an event host is a crucially important job and an honor to be given. So how do you make sure that you take your events and host them well and what does that even mean?

If you’ve been wondering about how to shine as an event host, here is everything you need to know to host events that will create memories that last a lifetime.

an event host

Understand The Event

It may not surprise you that research is going to be one of the most important parts of being a successful event host, but it can’t be overstated enough. The difference between a great event host and an event host that just gets the job done isn’t charisma – it’s information.

Yes, a truly charismatic, quick-witted event host can surely fake it till they make it and even pull off some impressive impromptu events. However, the same level of charisma and talent paired with proper research will be unmatched when it comes to creating powerful, awesome events.

This is also where you have to understand what role you are going to be playing in the event. So questions like, why is the event happening? Who is putting it on? What is the goal of the event and what will it look like if it’s successful all go into understanding the event well before you even speak into a microphone.

an event host

Know Your Audience

Once you have a thorough understanding of why you were hired and what the goal of the event is, the next step is all about knowing who the audience is. Again, a charismatic and powerful event host may be able to do some impressive stuff by the seat of their pants, but research and preparation are the disciplines that set the good apart from the great.

One of the most important aspects of hosting an event successfully is knowing your audience. The cause is important and paired with a proper understanding of the ‘who’ when it comes to your event will give you the insight to be a powerful event host. Every demographic is different, and this may involve really having to research particular demographics if you are completely unfamiliar with the location and culture.

While this kind of work may not be the fun, exciting, or exhilarating part of event hosting, it’s vitally important.

an event host

Know the Lay Out of The Event

This is another technical skill that you can grow in that will do nothing but increase the quality of the product that you can give as an event host. The event host has some key duties, not only are they responsible for communicating the purpose of the night and acting as a guide throughout the event, but they are in charge of transitions. That means that all the parts of an event that are moving ultimately come down to the event host to make sure they move smoothly, clearly, and with minimal to no confusion.

This could mean practicing and anticipating your transitions and working them out ahead of time. Work with the people that hired you to thoroughly understand every part of the night and how you need to handle it to constantly control the energy and direction of the event. It may sound odd that you may need to plan out and practice transitions, but an event host that can walk an audience through a dynamic event is a powerful one that won’t soon be forgotten.

an event host


Event hosting is an exciting and fulfilling job. As much as there are disciplines that will help set you apart from the competition, the most important thing to remember is to maintain who you are. Yes, there are technicalities, but when you get hired to host an event you are being hired to bring your unique presence and brand to an event, so never forget or leave that.

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