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The new gold forecast from Gold Alliance predicts a significant increase in its market value. Take notes so you can put your money in the right places!

The New Gold Forecast from Gold Alliance Looks Great

The price of the ever-popular univalent and trivalent metallic element known as gold is rising. This comes after a 10-year-long bear market with the rapid rise tied to world events. Remember that having a portion of gold as part of your portfolio fortifies you against a financial crisis.

Therefore, it is crucial to know the gold price predictions for next 5 years. We recommend checking out Gold Alliance’s prediction on this, which is what we based this article on. This is to open your eyes to the risk you take if you do not hold gold and other precious metals.

This article will provide a 5-year forecast on the significant price of gold. This is presented to help you have a more excellent understanding of the forthcoming price of the precious yellow metal.

new gold forecast

Gold price: Forecast for the next five years

The price of gold set a brand-new or unprecedented record high in 2020. The price of gold has continually been on the rise since that year’s world/economic events. The sudden increase or surge in the gold price has investors and financial experts of all classes wondering if more surprises regarding the price of gold should be expected.

Throughout history, gold and other precious metals like silver, palladium, and platinum have always been the go-to safe-haven asset for the wealthy and investors from all walks of life. Most people troop to this vital, must-have asset during periods of the dollar’s devaluation and economic uncertainty.

These are valid reasons that result in the significant and increased demand for – and the price of – fold within the next five years.

These factors came into consideration during the forecasting of the price of gold over the next five years:

  • The stock market

The stock market bubble and the attendant fallout remain one of this year’s most significant events. The overvaluation of stocks and its devastating impact on the global economy had never occurred in history.

The prices of gold will definitely increase as long as the stock market continues to see a crash or correction.

new gold forecast

  • Inflation

The number one fear of investors is inflation. Inflation has continually increased over the past year, with zero ends in sight. Every key driver behind high inflation is in situ, including manufacturing contentions, supply chain issues, rising food prices and lots of money from the central bank of the United States that is yet to hit the economy.

Research even stipulates that inflation could become more uncontrollable, seeing that the central bank’s small interest hikes between 0.25 and 0.50 basis points considerably dwarf in contrast to 7 per cent inflation.

The prevailing inflation rate in the United States is about 7 per cent. This is hardly down from 8 per cent, the highest in more than 40 years. In former times, high inflation has led to a rapid rise in gold prices.

During the ’70s and even up to the ’80s, inflation kept rising rapidly, causing gold prices to increase by more than 2,000 per cent. If inflation continues rising or persists at around 8 per cent, the price of gold could soar.

Gold may increase approximately 50 per cent to reach $3,000 per ounce. This implies that gold would be worth a lot in the next five years. This is the right time for those sceptical about gold as an investment vehicle to jump in.

new gold forecast

The United States public debt

It is no longer news that the status of the United States dollar could also be in grave danger. The United States public debt is reportedly closing in on close to $30 trillion, which is now 150 per cent higher than the current GDP of the United States.

Rising inflation and high federal deficits effectively eat away at the incredible purchasing power of the American dollar as well as the overall confidence in the currency worldwide.

This can easily compromise the status of the American dollar as the world’s number one reserve currency. Suppose businesses and countries decide to abandon the dollar for a more favourable alternative. In that case, the dollar could be sent tumbling into nothingness.

new gold forecast

Gold: The 5-year forecast

As the United States’ debt keeps piling up and inflation continues to rage, industry experts postulate that the price of gold could move from its current $1,850 to as much as $3,000 within the next five years.

Goldman Sachs and other industry experts also agree that gold could eventually be worth more than $3,000 per ounce within five years.


Gold will continue to be the go-to safe-haven asset for many years down the road. The five-year forecast on the price of this yellow metal is a vital pointer to the direction gold is headed. This is based on several factors considered as well as the overall technical analysis of the performance of gold.

Therefore, if you have not added gold as a part of your portfolio, the perfect period to take that crucial step is now!

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